Should Atheists Speak Out? - Comments From Our Community

What's the point speaking against religion? Should atheists keep their opinions to themselves? See what others think or share your own views.

"Offended." My, such a strong word. You are offended because I say your belief is fictional. I could reply the same way I suppose, and be offended that you would expect me to accept your belief as true. You don't like the bumper sticker.

I recently read a post from an atheist that said that anger doesn't belong in the fight against religion. This must have come from someone who has never been on the receiving end of so-called religious fanatics.

The best any atheist can hope for is that change can and does happen a click at a time.

"Safe" is not a word anybody would vouch for this days. I live in Nigeria, in the southwest state of Lagos, here it is safe but not so advantageous to identify as an atheist, but I dont care anyway.

As a skeptic who rejects the supernatural I would not say your "too negative" or just like "the religious".
