Should Atheists Speak Out? - Comments From Our Community

What's the point speaking against religion? Should atheists keep their opinions to themselves? See what others think or share your own views.

So called ‘Islamic Scholars’ convince young people that life on earth is just a ‘waiting room’ for a much better life which comes after death.

It is important that atheists campaign to take religion out of education. In particular, madrassas should not be allowed in Europe.

While people have a right to their beliefs, their belief is not proof that they are right. Religious people believe the contentions of their creed are true, but have no compelling evidence or irrefutable argument that supports their claims. 

I have been ridiculed for leaving church. Most of my Christian friends and family do not want to know why I left, they are more interested in telling me what will happen to me according to their religious beliefs.

I have been criticised by my fellow skeptics for being too dogmatic, but since I work in an environment where decisions must be rapidly made on often limited information ( viz the emergency department) it becomes a normal way of functioning intellectually after 40 yrs.

The notion that someone should curb her opinions even when they are not personally insulting, slanderous or threatening in order to spare the feelings of other people is noxious. It is doubly noxious when done in the name of religion.
