It’s just that you may need to be more moderate in your arguments.

As a skeptic who rejects the supernatural I would not say your "too negative" or just like "the religious". Its just that you may need to be more moderate in your arguments against religion, and if you are going to argue against one religion argue against all of them in a moderate standpoint.

Now please don't get me wrong i also agree that you have the right to strongly put out your opinion against religion and standing aganist its oppression. In addition i agree with Rowan Atkinson and Ali A.

Rizvi quotes. However when itcomes to analyzing and critiquing religious belief, sometimes it is kinda unnecessary because as human civilization moves forward in science, technology, and engineering today's religions will morethan likely be a thing of past, and only few to none would be still be adhered to them. As for future religions because no matter what there will always be something within our world, other worlds, or strange things in the universe that we would have a tough time trying to understand what are they, how they function, and etc.

Don't forgot Karl Marx's quote "religion is an importance to the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand", and how religion try's to explain the unexplained it can happen in the far extremely high tech future. I'm not saying that this will happen in the future guaranteed but the possibility of it can be very high. So i think just by my personal thoughts alone, I think that besides always criticizing religion also go to other kinds of subjects such as talking a lot about science, technology and engineering. Discuss all the breakthrough's, discoveries, and inventions by science , Talk about the latest tech and engineering, and how beneficial they are and how they play a strong importance in our society making our lives easier. Also talk more about atheism and the meaning of it, help people have a more positive understanding of it, and how it's different than theism. At the same time talk more about helping all those who are non-believers giving them help and support. I hope this all helps thanks for reading.

- Joseph Sayles

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