In Nigeria, it is not so advantageous to identify as an atheist

Is it safe to express your atheism where you are?

"Safe" is not a word anybody would vouch for this days. I live in Nigeria, in the southwest state of Lagos, here it is safe but not so advantageous to identify as an atheist, but I dont care anyway. If I were living in north of the country, then my survival instinct would tell me not to tell of my disbelief. Muslims kill Christians there as
an everyday thing, what they would do to atheists would be unimaginable.

I think where it is safe to identify as atheists, we should and where not, we may hold our peace. Atheism is not something to hide. In the broadest sense of it, I think it is something to be celebrated worldwide, something we should proud of wherever we could.

- Pelumi Abiodun

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