The best any atheist can hope for is that change can and does happen a click at a time.
Having been one in essence for 40 years, and unfortunately in the closest for a long time, so to speak, because of possible repercussions, I do see it has gotten better but nowhere near as good as it could be.
All the buttresing of the theists weak argument with the social gospel need be exposed for what it is. Which is that good can't be done w/o the sky daddy tellin' ya to. Why do they need an outside force to get them motivated to help others. They sound like the lazy both intellectually/emotionally if they can't answer why their sky daddy is always needed for motivation.
It's a simple thing not to believe in the gawd damn gawd of the old testament who's got beau coup anger issues, but for most, to many of them, christians don't use the logical/mathematical side of the brain. They're stuck with their emotions ruling the roost, so to speak.
So how do you get them to at least start intergrateing the use of both hemispheres of the brain.
Good question, I sure as hell don't know how for the majority of them without re-education camps for them to be de-program. That's based on the idea that all religion is in essence a cult that one is indoctrinated into starting in early childhood.
I try not to think about all of this too much cause I'll be one dead sumbitch long before most people on the planet have realizied it's their humanity that's being spoken about in all religions. And that the majority will be stupid bastids and will keep finding ways to segregate themselves via religion and nationality as well, and keep up the pace at killin' each other off cause they aren't 'true believers', whatever the fuck the definition of that is.
PS Tried to find a spell checker and was unsuccessful, so pardon some of the spelling.
- Tony Geloso