Religion has no place in real life

I recently read a post from an atheist that said that anger doesn't belong in the fight against religion. This must have come from someone who has never been on the receiving end of so-called religious fanatics. Until they have walked in my shoes, they will never understand why I say, "the fuck it doesn't." God has to die. Religion has no place in real life. Let these people know when they pay there home owner's taxes, they pay the taxes of that church around the corner whose preacher is molesting children and building the fears that god gives them the right and to keep their mouths shut or they will end up in hell. I am angry and I have every right because I am human. It is so very human to be angry at what has made you hate what you are. I fight, scrape, and claw my way toward a better tomorrow through education. Even family members put me in hell because I prefer to believe and work for this life. Angry? Fuck yes! Not at a mythical god but at human beings that blindly allow these thing to happen. I believe that these people have good intentions but they do not realize what this fight is about. It's not just about the crusades or lives lost to religion, but it is also about the low value that Christianity has placed on humanity. Quit supporting these churches with your taxes. Stop allowing people to force our children to believe that this life means nothing. We pay the taxes for the nonprofits. Refuse to pay unless they teach human worth. Make these ignorant believers support their own nothingness. And never say that anger does not belong. By the way, this same atheist also said that a person raised in strict religions are not a strong voice because they can never let go of the afterlife belief. Bull fucking shit. I pride myself in the fact that I had the strength to pull myself out of that shit and the fact that I have worked my ass off to make something of the life I have left. I know that I will never be again and what I do now is the only thing that will say that I ever existed at all. Sorry to rant but this place is the only place I have to do so.


- Tamera Jordan

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