I'm not concerned if reality offends them.

"Offended." My, such a strong word. You are offended because I say your belief is fictional. I could reply the same way I suppose, and be offended that you would expect me to accept your belief as true. You don't like the bumper sticker. I don't like the crosses, billboards, t-shirts, churches of numerous flavors, and yes, bumper stickers, that I see everywhere that proclaim "He is risen" and any number of other statements that suggest MY position is "fiction."

But I'm not offended. It is more of an "annoyed amusement." The same way I feel when children go on, at length, about how they hope "Santa" or the "Easter bunny" or other fictional character will bring them good stuff, and how they are being extra good to get extra stuff. I'm glad that these believers have something to make them be "extra good" so they can go to the "nice place in the sky." Maybe they won't lie, steal, rape, or kill with the main intent being to get to heaven. This makes my world, the real world, a better place, and I'm good with that. They can have whatever illusions they want, their illusions don't offend me, and frankly, I'm not concerned if reality offends them.

- Aiden Seanachaidh

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