Relationship with god?

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mykcob4's picture
I don't have a problem. It's
ThePragmatic's picture
All right, break it up you
Kataclismic's picture
This is an old story but I
Deidre32's picture
@mykcob - I don't take
Freeslave's picture
Kataclismic's picture
@Deidre - The thread was
mykcob4's picture
Deidre32's picture
None of you know for sure if
Deforres's picture
There is nothing that I
mykcob4's picture
What we ARE certain of is
Deforres's picture
Arrogant indeed. Ignorance
the_believer's picture
I did pose a unique (albeit
mykcob4's picture
No one was calling You
the_believer's picture
I know I was not the target.
Deidre32's picture
@mykcob - I never posted to '
Deforres's picture
Are you suggesting that
mykcob4's picture
Too bad you can't
charvakheresy's picture
Deirdre - we live in a
Deidre32's picture
I haven’t been rude to any of
Deforres's picture
True. But, as I said, our
Deidre32's picture
That's fair, thank you for
Kataclismic's picture
I'm still trying to
girrod's picture
I'm new to this thread and
Deforres's picture
I will warn you know: if you
girrod's picture
I'm different than most, if
Deforres's picture
That's not why I dismiss
Nyarlathotep's picture
Gabriel - "It is my guess
Deforres's picture
Gabriel, if I may red direct
mykcob4's picture
You think that you are
girrod's picture
I'm new to this thread and


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