Relationship with god?

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mykcob4's picture
Relationship with god?

I challenge any and all to actually prove they have a relationship with a god. I hear it all the time: "God speaks to me", " I walk with god", so on and so forth. There isn't ANY evidence of this being true.
Just like all the nutcases at insane asylums that thought that they were Napoleon, they truly believe that they are Napoleon but it sin't true.
The thing is that people want to believe something and outside factors influence that belief. If Napoleon had never existed would these people claim to be Napoleon? I state that if no one have heard of god or had any outside brainwashing, they would never claim to have a relationship with said god. Thus we can infer that the relationship is purely imaginary and not real.

this is related to a condition called:
Grandiose Delusion

"exceptional relationship to a divinity or famous person.[6]" #6 of typical symptoms includes exceptional relationship with the divine.
I contend that all that profess a god and also contend that they have a relationship with said god suffer from this condition.

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Sir Random's picture
Here!Here! (I hope this was
curtisabass's picture
I remember a comic once said
charvakheresy's picture
It had to be schizophrenia...
Harry33Truman's picture
That was a demonstration of a
MCDennis's picture
the god of the bible accepted
CompelledUnbeliever's picture
I don't know that this is not
Sir Random's picture
I'm not going to outright say
Dave Matson's picture
Exactly! Barring a
MCDennis's picture
which god? you know there
MCDennis's picture
which god? you know there
mykcob4's picture
You are absolutely correct.
Sir Random's picture
And all the mean long while
Harry33Truman's picture
Or they are telling the truth
Sir Random's picture
Extracted strait from my list
Harry33Truman's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Harry Truman -http:/
MCDennis's picture
Well. that is probably the
ThePragmatic's picture
This video is mandatory for
Pitar's picture
God people claim some pretty
CompelledUnbeliever's picture
The pragmatic thank you for
Sir Random's picture
Mind if I copy down those
CompelledUnbeliever's picture
Sir Random spread the gospel!
Sir Random's picture
*Mowtown style music plays*
Freeslave's picture
Watched the video. Why would
Lemna Minor's picture
Yes, you can have what they
Nyarlathotep's picture
Lemna Minor "Bowlby
Lemna Minor's picture
@Nyarlathotep Yes, attachment
Nyarlathotep's picture
Well it is certainly
Endri Guri's picture
I have something to ask,
mykcob4's picture
You can believe what you want


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