Relationship with god?

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ætherborn98's picture
"Yes stop?" It means to make
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Hawk Flint
ætherborn98's picture
"But, to say that you need
Deforres's picture
Perhaps you should consult
girrod's picture
That's what I said in my post
Deforres's picture
I was speculating a postulate
girrod's picture
Um, I'm doing the same thing.
girrod's picture
Which way is the wind blowing
Deforres's picture
I tricked you in to calling
girrod's picture
I grew up in a Christian home
Deforres's picture
True and "By chance" go
girrod's picture
What?! That's what you want
Deforres's picture
A: True is not a word
ætherborn98's picture
How well do they go together?
Deforres's picture
Since my pupil sunk the
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel
Seenyab4's picture
Why do you believe you're in
Nyarlathotep's picture
Have you ever met a religious
Deforres's picture
This debate is pointless.


Attach Image/Video?: 

ætherborn98's picture
You're insulting him now?
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel
girrod's picture
Mr. Pragmatic, this is what I
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel
girrod's picture
MIND has given nature ALL of
Nyarlathotep's picture
Gabriel - "What you are
mykcob4's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel Helleu?
girrod's picture


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