United States

Christian Loses Federal Lawsuit, Must End Conversion Therapy Practice

In March 2018, the state of Washington passed Senate Bill 5722 into law. Senate Bill 5722, a law that restricts the practice of conversion therapy, is the state of Washinton’s response to the increasing number of professional psychotherapists in the area that has been practicing conversation therapy.

Wrongfully Fired Gay Teacher Wins Lawsuit Against Catholic School

In October 2014, Lonnie Billard announced through social media that he and his longtime partner would be getting married. A couple of weeks after that post, he was told he could no longer teach at Charlotte Catholic High School. An unnamed assistant principal of the school told Billard of his termination.

Court Rules Teacher Suspended Over Pro-Trans Policy Should Be Reinstated

On June 8, 2021, a Virginia Circuit Court judge ruled that Tanner Cross should be reinstated as a teacher after he was suspended. Less than three months after Loudoun County Public Schools' (LCPS) appeal, Virginia's supreme court upheld the decision to restore Cross as a PE teacher at Leesburg Elementary School.

Arizona Family Tried to Kidnap Pregnant Woman Over Non-Muslim Boyfriend

Authorities arrested six family members in Peoria, a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona, for allegedly trying to kidnap a 20-year-old female relative because she has a non-Muslim boyfriend — and she is approximately 5-months pregnant. The victim later told police how she feared dying at the hands of her relatives because they believe she brought dishonor to them.

New Study Finds Atheists Are More Likely To Believe Aliens Exist

The report by the Office of the Director of the National Defense (ODND) released last June 25, 2021, caused a flurry of discussion regarding the existence of aliens. The report's title, made more ominous by the government agencies involved in its writing, Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), creates an exciting topic for non-religious and religious individuals.
