United States

New Report Exposes Hindu-Nationalist Influence in the United States

A report published in the South Asia Citizens Web shows an intensive network of Hindutva-related organizations in the United States responsible for information campaigns and fundraising.

South Asia Citizens Web is an online repository that hosts literature and documents related to fundamentalist politics and the diminishment of secularism. The website has been operating since 1996, according to its description.

Christian Homework Asks Kids to Explain How to Make Their Friends Straight

Students in a Christian middle school in Kentucky, USA, were assigned a writing project where they contacted a hypothetical gay friend and tried to persuade them to stop being gay.

"Send Nudes;" NASA to Send Human Nudes into Space to Tempt Aliens

NASA plans on beaming naked pictures of a man and a woman into outer space in a bid to encourage any intelligent alien life forms to respond to the message.

Published on March 25, the "A Beacon in the Galaxy" project provides an updated binary-coded message developed for transmission to extraterrestrial intelligence in the Milky Way galaxy.

Supreme Court Declares Boston City Hall Must Fly Christian Flag

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the city of Boston had violated the free speech of a Christian group by rejecting its request to fly a Christian flag at the city hall.

On May 2, the supreme court unanimously ruled that Boston, the capital of Massachusetts, has infringed on the first amendment rights of the Christian group, Camp Constitution.

US Panel Recommends Sanctioning India Over Religious Freedom Violations

For the third year, the United States panel on international religious affairs recommended labeling India as one of the "countries of particular concern." The report accuses India and other countries of engaging or tolerating "systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations" of religious rights.

Florida Atheist Petitions Schools to Ban the Bible

A Florida man decided to fix the book-banning spree in his state by calling for the banning of the Bible. In a letter dated April 19, 2022, Chaz Stevens, an artist, and Florida's resident political stunt activist, requested the Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) and Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) ban the Bible.

Stevens, an atheist, decided to join the Republicans in their relentless, anti-science, anti-woke book-banning crusade.

Atheist Adoptive Couple in Alabama Face Discrimination for Non-Belief

A private adoption agency refused a couple of adoption services in Alabama for their lack of religion. A 30-year-old librarian, Alaina Browning, and her husband were devastated to hear the news.

Family Adoption Services, a private adoption agency run by Richard and Susan Wyatt, sent the message to Browning. 

“It hurt,” Browning said, crying while reading the message on her phone.
