United States

Arizona Priest Discovers He Messed Up Baptisms for 20+ Years!

A Catholic priest in Arizona resigned effective February 1 after discovering that the baptisms he had administered were invalid. In his letter addressed to his community, Rev. Andres Arango said he is saddened to learn that he has performed invalid baptisms. According to Arango, he had used an incorrect “formula” when administering baptisms.

Christian "Revival" at High School Sparks Student Protest for Secularism

On Wednesday, February 9, more than a hundred students walked out during their homeroom period at West Virginia’s Huntington High School. The students were protesting a Christian revival assembly where some students were obliged to attend by their teachers.

The students chanted "separate the church and state" and "my faith, my choice” during the walkout.

Oklahoma Bill to Allow Teachers to be Sued for "Opposing Religious Beliefs"

Rob Standridge, a Republican Senator from Oklahoma, has introduced a stupefyingly callous, religiously inspired bill to the Oklahoma senate. Known as the Students' Religious Belief Protection Act, the bill seeks to penalize educators who oppose students' "closely held religious beliefs."

“After-School Satan Club” Sparks Outrage

On January 20, the city school district of Lebanon, Ohio, released a statement in response to a group of parents concerned over the After-School Satan Club meeting. According to a school official, the club’s organizers were able to complete the “required application, the facility use agreement, and provided the necessary documentation, and were approved.”
