United States

Atheist Bloggers Told to Stop Criticizing Religion

By Abdulla Gaafarelkhalifa

For the last decade, Patheos, a multifaith media platform that hosts commentary from writers of different religions and the religiously unaffiliated, has been going in a concerning direction. According to departing bloggers and their manager, Dale McGowan, the nonreligious channel has been steered away from criticizing religion.

New Study Shows Explosive Increase of Non-Religious in the United States

The annual National Public Opinion Reference Survey (NPORS) of the Pew Research Center said around three out of ten US adults now consider themselves unaffiliated to any religion. First conducted in 2020, NPORS is an annual survey conducted online and via mail using a nationally representative group of respondents.

US Calls for Diplomatic Boycott of Beijing Olympics, Citing Uyghur Genocide

On Monday, December 6, Jen Psaki, White House Press Secretary, announced that the US government had imposed a diplomatic boycott on Beijing. Psaki said, "the Biden Administration will not send any diplomatic or official representation to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and paralympic games."

Survey Finds Few Americans Attribute Suffering to God

A survey published by the Pew Research Center (PRC) on November 23 showed that most US adults don’t blame God for bad things happening, but rather people and society are to blame.

Conducted between September 20 to 26, the survey polled 6,485 U.S. adults online through the American Trends Panel (ATP). The ATP consists of more than 10 thousand adults located in the U.S. and is selected randomly to create a nationally representative sample.

"Blasphemous" Painting of George Floyd as Jesus Stolen

On Wednesday, November 24, a controversial painting of Jesus and Mary was stolen. The painting "Mama" shows a black Mary cradling the body of Jesus after his crucifixion, similar to Michaelangelo's Pieta sculpture. The painting was placed outside the Mary Mirror of Justice Chapel in the Catholic University of America (CAU) Columbus Law School.
