If there was a GOD would you follow him? Check my bet

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Ryan Mahar's picture
If there was a GOD would you follow him? Check my bet

I am really curious, what if you knew for sure that Jesus existed and that he is GOD, would you follow him and If no then why?
If you hate Jesus is it possible that maybe you just have the wrong view of him?

It’s sad because I have seen soooo many people hate GOD for some of the stupid, horrible mean things that people do in GOD’S name. I just don’t think it’s fair to dislike GOD for some of the horrible things that people do.

Ok here is my guess lets see what happens I bet about 90% of you will say no I would never follow him and the rest would say yes. Lets see what happens!

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watchman's picture
@Ryan ......
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Ryan
Ryan Mahar's picture
I like this question it helps
chimp3's picture
ryan; "I am really curious,
Randomhero1982's picture
Given the fact that in over
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Why do uninformed christians
Cognostic's picture
You have to tell us about
Ryan Mahar's picture
I believe its the god of the
Sky Pilot's picture
David Killens's picture
I cannot hate something I do
Nyarlathotep's picture
ryan - If there was a GOD
Ryan Mahar's picture
oh my goodness I didn't think
Sky Pilot's picture
Sheldon's picture
I don't believe any deity or
mykcob4's picture
Tin-Man's picture
Tin-Man's picture
Ryan Mahar's picture
no not going anywhere guys.
chimp3's picture
Nice to have you, Ryan. En
Ryan Mahar's picture
thank you nice to hear that :
Sky Pilot's picture
Ryan Mahar's picture
before I do my big response I
chimp3's picture
I still want to know how you
Ryan Mahar's picture
Good question, some of it is
chimp3's picture
Ryan: " I like to be the
Ryan Mahar's picture
Do you really want to know if
chimp3's picture
The question is how would you
Grinseed's picture
As far as I am concerned
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Want to know how the rainbow
Sky Pilot's picture


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