Basic conversation about atheism

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vincegrabo's picture
Basic conversation about atheism

I would like to have a basic conversation about atheism. I don't know much about it, I don't know any atheist who are willing to discuss it and my Christian friends are no help at all.

I understand that atheists believe that there is no creator and there was no creation. So everything we know about came to exist in some other manner. My first question is: What is the basic explanation for how everything came to be?

Or if a specific example is helpful, then I'll throw this out.

If there was no creation, then the first chicken did not come out of an egg. And I have two questions about that:
1. How did the first chickens come to be?
2. Why, and how, did chickens start laying eggs?

There is probably a better example, but I have to start somewhere.

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gupsphoo's picture
Hi Vince Grabo, welcome to
Sapporo's picture
Atheism doesn’t necessarily
vincegrabo's picture
You are saying that something
LogicFTW's picture
That is not how evolution
vincegrabo's picture
Your story begins with "there
LogicFTW's picture
Origins of life. Always a fun
Cognostic's picture
Hi Vince:
vincegrabo's picture
So I have to prove something
LogicFTW's picture
If you make the claim that
vincegrabo's picture
I haven't made any attempt to
LogicFTW's picture
@Vince Grabo
Cognostic's picture
What do I have to be right
Sapporo's picture
Vince Grabo: You are saying
vincegrabo's picture
Ok. But this time I asked
Sapporo's picture
Vince Grabo: Ok. But this
vincegrabo's picture
Can you explain it at all?
Sapporo's picture
Vince Grabo:
vincegrabo's picture
Sure, I'll tell you. Not
Nyarlathotep's picture
Vince Grabo - But it just
vincegrabo's picture
That's weird.
Cognostic's picture
No. You are confusing
vincegrabo's picture
We know that chickens and
Cognostic's picture
I thought my position was
Sapporo's picture
Vince Grabo: What was the
Sky Pilot's picture
Vince Grabo,
vincegrabo's picture
"Eventually the dead elements
LogicFTW's picture
"Dead" may not have been the
vincegrabo's picture
How does an unorganized
Cognostic's picture
Hi Vince:
vincegrabo's picture
Nice insults. And capital


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