Absolute proof of Super Intelligent Creatorship!
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The Pragmatic Dragon, it's like that moment when someone tells you that rockets can't work without an outer enviroment of air to push off of. So you disperately look to psuedo-science for an answer, and they tell you that the rocket's discharge pushes off of it's nozzle as it escapes. And because you want to remain an athiest you buy it. However, it is a complete IMPOSSIBILITY for something propulse by pushing of itself. Rather it MUST interact with it's enviroment. Therefore, rockets can NOT work in the void of so called space!!! That's why NASA always sends them off on a curve and drops them in the ocean, with the rest of taxpayers money, just as soon as they are out of sight. Furthermore, Sir, I already know that you rainbows can be replicated at home. I said they can NOT be created without a GLASS (mirroring effect)! Therefore, where is the GLASS that makes the rainbows outside? According to The Bible we have a giant GLASS firmament high over head. Look up "Operation Fish Bowl" and how the government tried to nuke it repeatedly. What, did you expect such to make the ten o'clock news if it was for real? You live in a fallen matrix of deception. I, strongly, encourage you to take the red pill and WAKE UP!!! Of Course, without a correct knowledge of The Holy Bible, then you will flounder from one deception to another. Most believers are caught up in satan's lukewarm christianity scene, and are far too blind to sense it. Few there be that find The Pure Unadulterated Truth!!! You got to come to God's Word with all your heart, mind, soul & strength, and rely on It , secludedly, or otherwise, even the light, that you think you have, will really be worldly DARKNESS!!!
Well it would take a book to deal with all the fallacies that you've spouted, so I'll just take one.
"Antarctica is off limits to all civilians"
No it isn't. Edmund Hillary, a civilian, led an expedition across Antarctica in 1958. Air New Zealand flew tourist excursions over the South Pole until one of them crashed on Mt. Erebus in 1979. Whalers have been going close to Antartica for centuries without anyone reporting a 200 foot ice wall. You can even take a cruise to Antarctica.
Hi Kevin,
I apologize for trying to engage you in serious debate. I have just read your "evilution" post above with all its scientific fantasies and I see that you are beyond reasonable debate. I will bother you no more.
(By the way, all that science that you dismiss makes it possible for you to use this online forum.)
Alembe. Does not, athiest's own, Mr. Dawkins conclude that if you can find one bone out of it's evolutionary strata order then you can prove the whole idea of evolution to be false??? Well I have personally read that in his God-bashing books! Now then all you have to do is simply research the Paluxy River limestone print findings, in Glen Rose, Texas, and see the proof that mankind & dinosaurs once lived at the same time. You can even choose to join a few of the redundantly diehard athiest and deny that it is a human's footprint inside the dinosuar's footprint (all up and down that river's dried up river bottom). Or you can even join the butt-hurt athiest that knows good & well that it is real & disproves their faulty "evilution" trip, and you can go out there with your shovel and try to break up the evidence (like many athiest have already tried to do). Or you can grow up and accept the facts that you gave a Creator Who Loves You, and the wisdom of His Proverbs say, "A fool hates correction but a wise man loves it"! Which are you??? If you don't want to engage me in serious discussion, then it can only be because I refuse to set in error with you. I pray you, come around though :-)
Even the Institute for Creation Research is skeptical of the claim of those human prints; how is that for a "non-atheist source"?
Algebe, I know that you can tour on the out skirts of the antarctic circle but no civilian is allowed to journey into it. Many of the world's governments agreed to not pillage it, for some odd reason, of it's resources. They will tell you that they have closed it off to civilians to protect a certain species of fish..not that they give that much care about any other wild life, anywhere else, as to close down an entire so called continent! Hey, why don't you write "a book" about the footage taken from the 1969 moon landing and how the wind was blowing the American flag spread eagle in the airless void of space??? You might mention how Armstrong manage to make it through a so called Van Allen Radiation Belt that 48 years of sky-rocketing technology has not been able to breach since, then get back with me on why I don't sign my soul away to satan's worldy psuedo-science scheme!!!
@Kevin Houston "how the wind was blowing the American flag spread eagle in the airless void of space???"
LOL. The flag waved in the movie "Independence Day" as the alien ships passed over. It was a Hollywood error. It wasn't real. it was fiction. Like the Bible. The original flag was wired to appear like it was flying on a flagpole.
The Van Allen Belts stop particles getting in, not rockets getting out. Do you use GPS or watch satellite TV? Where do you think those radio signals come from?
I have friends who've been to the New Zealand research station in Antartica. They're civilians. Governments don't like amateurs going there because they're expected to send people to risk their lives rescuing the silly buggers. But you won't find any border guards or 200-foot ice walls to stop you if you're foolish enough to try it.
I posted that, then 30 mins later he posted:
Can I pick 'em or what?
Kevin Houston,
If you are not a troll then you must be a total fruitcake! You are so detached from reality that it would be a waste of time to even look at your varied nonsense. Go peddle it somewhere else.
I think that you're a hoax! Prove that you are not.
@Kevin did your god create you? My parents created or made me. That is evolution at work.
Your parents simply used their reproductive organs to unite each others genetical information. This is The Creator's way of keeping His fallen & mortal creation replicating in order for fresh new souls to have a chance to CHOOSE The High Way of Eternal Life and Moral Perfection. And just as soon as the full (predestined) number accepts their higher call, then mortality will put on immorality (at the righteous resurrection). However, there is a price to pay, for those who refused God's offer, at The High Price of His Humility at The Cross! Make no mistake about that!!! Oh what a terrible thing it is for the sinner to fall into The Hands of his Creator, at world's end! Love prods me to share, with you, this solemn truth.
I have read physicists accounts of the Big Bang. I don't recall a singularity being referred to as "nothing".
Then you believe in the big bang via an eternal singularity creator. So do I, only I ascribe Him more intelligent ability than any big bang theory does their form of singularity! After all one should allow for the singularity to actually have the INTELLIGENT CAPABILITY to be accountable for the super intelligent & intricate things that have spawn from it. There is way to much IMPOSSIBLE CHANCE ASSUMPTIONS in the premordial soup THEORY. If the singularity had to ALWAYS exist then it is more than obvious that It was an INTELLIGENT CREATOR that wanted to end His Singularity and create friends (a task that would require free wills to be tempt-tested for worthiness reasons)!!!
Several asian myths about religion claim that their gods created the universe from chaos.
Always entertaining. Immortality simply is the Big Dangling Apple but low hanging fruit is, as always, illusive. People, with half an ounce (or there abouts) of imagination and a language to express it will say the damnedest things and believe themselves all the wiser for it. Just ask them for proof and they will queue up to proffer with facts their convictions. The internet has made ordinary folk so much more entertaining than any visual arts production effort ever could. Keep it coming.
Yea, and common sense ain't so common either!
He's talking about you! Hahahahahaha
Kevin, you said, "What matters most is honesty. I believe that the only way to be a true athiest is to believe that all things spawned from absolutely no thing at all."
There's your first error. A/theism has exactly ZERO to do with the beginning of the universe (if there even was one). You want honesty? Try this on for size: The only thing a/theism is about is belief of or rejection of belief of god(s).
You make the assertion that your god is real. As someone who identifies as atheist, I get to say, "show me verifiable, testable, repeatable proof of that. When you cannot do so, I get to write your nonsense off. So let's start there instead of jumping into the world of science.
Fair enough, CyberL. That maybe your definition of atheism (according to your understanding of God or gods). However, I speak on the behalf of THE CREATORSHIP QUALITY. THE ABILITY TO CREATE! I don't mean some vain cesar or fat man named budda. I speak on the fact that THE ABILITY TO CREATE haf to ALWAYS exist. This is because the LACK of the ability to create can NOT create anything. Now then, if modern man is far fAR FAR to ininteligible to create even the more simple creatures on Earth, then how much MORE intelligent does that ABILITY TO CREATE have to be??? This SUPER INTELLIGENT ABILITY TO CREATE is obviously GOD!!! If we modern man can not create intelligent biological human beings, without the already existing SUPER INTELLIGENT DNA BLUEPRINT, the how could you propose that ininteligible inert premordial soup made all the right choices of sheer councidence. Are you atleast blushing? You have HOPE if you are! Testable & repeatable proof is sexual reproduction. You nor I was smart enough to create that intelligent dna blue print, but some ONE was. Everytime a baby is born it repeats the proof! How about the delicate enviroment that we live in? You nor I were smart enough to make it. Yet Whoever was repeats His Grace every morning that you wake up and you are still able to eat, drink, breath & function in your surrounding enviroment. The list will go on & on if you will but OPEN YOUR EYES!!
Synthetic life created by humans!
Kevin, your stuff isn't even worth reading, let alone taking the time to apply the standard rebuttals. I didn't have to go very far in your material to reach that conclusion. The ultimate reply to total fruitcakes is to just ignore them. Why don't you just run along and peddle your delusions somewhere else?
But of course, how would've God existed if he wasn't created by 1 long-haired hippy.
Sir, I agree that the vast majority of christendom has, sadly, represented The God of The Bible. Why don't you give The Bible It's fair day in court instead of judging it by satan's accomplishnents with the vast array of lukewarmism???
I can only speak for myself, but I think many here would agree: because we've already done that, we read it and found it to be ludicrous.
Nyarlathot. Perhaps you didn't put much thought into it. After all, if you could just be honest enough to admit that absolute nothingness is the lack of all things, including the ability to create or produce anything, because it lacks all things, then you would have to concede that all things, in current existence, demand a ever existing Creator, Whom has the ability to create such intelligently designed things. Now then, how utterly ludicrous is it to attribute such ever existing creatorship qualities to inert substances. After all, if modern mankind lacks such intelligent ability, then how much more does inintelligent inert substances? Are you blushing yet or did that simple revelance escape you???
So you have it right?
@ Kevin Houston
You start off really well: "What matters most is honesty."
Then you continue with "I believe..." and then a series of assumptions, of which some are demonsterably false.
* Your understanding of "nothing" is an assumption, because I doubt you could define "Nothing" in such a way that everyone would agree with you (I sure can't).
* It seems you confuse Atheism with the creation of the Universe and also the Big Bang Theory with the question of what (if anything) was before the Big Bang or what (if anything) caused the Big Bang. The Big Bang Theory is a scientific theory about how the Universe expanded and it's continued development from it's earliest periods, it does not state what (if anything) existed before, or what (if anything) was the cause.
To be really honest, as you suggest, one would have to say "I don't know" when it comes to such questions. I sure don't know and I hold no particular beliefs about it.
- "This means that... ...something(s), absolutely, had to ALWAYS exist"
Another blind assumption. We can speculate, we can philosophise all day long about it.
At the end of the day, you would still not know. I consider it dishonest to say "I know" about such things.
Why whould it have had to be like that?
It could have been a myriad of "things" creating other things with the power to create, a slow progress with generations of increasing ability to create. Or the Universe could be just one in an endless spawning of infinite different variants of Universes.
There could be as many answers (or new questions) as imagination would allow: So why would you limit it to "An eternal, all powerful, creator of the Universe"?
And even if we, for the sake of argument, agree with your extrapolation of assumptions to a single creator of the Universe:
Nothing in your assumed universal creator points to the god of Yahweh or to Jesus, so how do you connect that to the Bible?
What's there to confuse? Big bangers assert that nothingness went bang and made everything. Surely you knew that? But what big bangers don't seem to grasp is the true understanding of what nothingness really means. It means the lack of all things, including the ability to create or produce something into existence. And anyone who would maitain that nothingness is anything else would be a self confessed idiot. Not trying to point fingers. I'm just stating the obvious. If you are an athiest then you absolutely are not allowed to believe in an Intelligent Creator. Now then if you believe that all the intricate manifestations of life came from a series of inintelligent accidents involving uncapable inert (ever existing) substances, then that can only prove how much more unintelligent modern mankind is (because we lack the ability to do it ourselves). In-other-words: something can NOT come from nothing, and intelligence can NOT come from no intelligence!! Where does that, logically, leave room for an athiest??? Allow me to share with you an athiest's ill-mannered way of thinking. An athiest scientist is in a lab, and he is hard at work trying to disprove that a Creator created life, so he says, to himself, if I can only create life, in my lab, then I can prove that there is no creator. How laughable. Now then, how do I connect proof of an ever existing Creator to The God of The Bible? Because I gave The Scriptures Thier fair day in court, and only Yah had the ability. The Bible checks out in so many ways it's astounding. But from another scientific point of view (other than the forementioned cause & effect), I find much of the suppressed SOUNDWAVE science, like SONOLUNINISENCE (stars in jars) to totally support the Bible, along with the geocentric flat earth truth! When I was a younger christian, there was a few times I threw my Bible around because I thought I found a contradiction. The first time a voice spoke to my mind and said, "repent, for sin is crouching at your door", then I looked forward and saw my cell door. Then I realized that I was squatting in a crouching position. I thought, well now that is odd. So I repented, and then a kind voice encouraged my mind to go pick up my half destroyed Bible. And as I was going to pick it up something told my mind, "what if the very first verse you read was the answer"? And low an behold it sure was! A year later I had a simalar spell, but this time, just as soon as I repented, the light went on in my head and I fully understood how it wasn't a contradiction. I don't throw my Bible around anymore, I just pray for insight & obey what I already found out to be true, and I am blessed richly for it. However, satan will down-play, in your mind, anything that I tell you. You got to go get it for yourself. I noticed how you mentioned that a universe could be just a little spot in an endless sea of universes. Please allow me to show you the ill in that idea. By first and foremost definition a universe is all things that exist everywhere. This is what we think of when we think of the cosmos and beyond. However, just like the highlander, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE! If you find something bigger than a galaxy then don't call it a universe, because there can ONLY be one of such. Rather call it a kallaxy. Nonetheless, I got the inside scoop, from studying The Deep Things of God Almighty (the casual readers are to unskilled to reap such) that all those NASA dreams are complete fable. Is it not odd how worldly science says that the moon's so called: gravity causes such tides on the massive oceans but causes absolutely no effect at all on the smaller inland bodies of water??? There's something up with that, don't you think?
Kevin Houston,
Although I said that your delusions were not worth the time to criticize, I couldn't resist going through this one post and flagging all the nonsense. Maybe I was just bored. My comments are in brackets [[my comments]].
What's there to confuse? [[Lots!]] Big bangers assert that nothingness went bang and made everything. [[Wrong!]] Surely you knew that? [[He knows better.]] But what big bangers don't seem to grasp is the true understanding of what nothingness really means. [[Wrong! Your belief that absolute nothingness once prevailed, that it is even a possible condition of reality, is mere assumption, an assumption they have no need of.]] It means the lack of all things, including the ability to create or produce something into existence. [[Prove that Mother Nature's concept of nothing is your absolute nothing! It's an unproven assumption on your part and nothing more. Reality doesn't have to agree with your abstract concept of nothing.]] And anyone who would maitain that nothingness is anything else would be a self confessed idiot. [[Wrong! You are claiming that Mother Nature's nothingness must be the same as your abstract idea of absolute nothingness. Prove it, don't assume it.]] Not trying to point fingers. I'm just stating the obvious. [[Obvious to someone who doesn't grasp that his idea of nothing, an abstract concept, may not be valid in the real universe. Nature doesn't have to agree with your idea of how things are.]] If you are an athiest then you absolutely are not allowed to believe in an Intelligent Creator. [[Stupid statement! We reject that hypothesis because it is absurd or because of a gross lack of evidence.]] Now then if you believe that all the intricate manifestations of life came from a series of inintelligent accidents [[Strawman! The laws of nature are involved and they are not random. Evolution is also a fact of science! Your own intricate "design" traces back to a primitive cell.]] involving uncapable inert (ever existing) substances [[Wrong! The fact of evolution shows that "inert" matter is quite capable.]], then that can only prove how much more unintelligent modern mankind is (because we lack the ability to do it ourselves). [[Wrong! This is a stupid comparison of apples and oranges!]] In-other-words: something can NOT come from nothing [[unless it's nature's concept of nothing]], and intelligence can NOT come from no intelligence!! [[Wrong! Your brain is an evolved organ.]] Where does that, logically, leave room for an athiest??? [[Lots of room since you got it all wrong!]] Allow me to share with you an athiest's ill-mannered way of thinking. [[You don't have the intelligence (or are too delusional) to understand how an atheist thinks!]] An athiest scientist is in a lab, and he is hard at work trying to disprove that a Creator created life, [[Delusional! Do you have any idea where scientists get their money for laboratories? I can just imagine a scientist filling out a government form to secure money for his lab, and on it he says his purpose is to disprove God!! That puts him into the religious business, not science. The government doesn't fund such projects!]] so he says, to himself, if I can only create life, in my lab, then I can prove that there is no creator. [[Strawman! Scientists aren't that stupid! The creation of life would not prove any such thing unless you have a very primitive concept of God.]] How laughable. [[Yes, laughable, but the laugh is on you for being so naive!]] Now then, how do I connect proof of an ever existing Creator to The God of The Bible? Because I gave The Scriptures Thier fair day in court, and only Yah had the ability. [[Delusional!! A real proof would have been taught in every philosophy course in every university by now. It would be featured in countless magazines and be on Wikipedia.]] The Bible checks out in so many ways it's astounding. [[Wrong! You are delusional.]] But from another scientific point of view (other than the forementioned cause & effect), I find much of the suppressed SOUNDWAVE science, like SONOLUNINISENCE (stars in jars) to totally support the Bible, along with the geocentric flat earth truth! [[Delusional! Simple mathematics and the measured distances between cities inconvertibly and absolutely rules out a flat earth.]] When I was a younger christian, there was a few times I threw my Bible around because I thought I found a contradiction. [[Your brain was probably not totally delusional at that time.]] The first time a voice spoke to my mind and said, "repent, for sin is crouching at your door", then I looked forward and saw my cell door. [[Were you in prison?]] Then I realized that I was squatting in a crouching position. I thought, well now that is odd. So I repented, and then a kind voice encouraged my mind to go pick up my half destroyed Bible. [[Cute story, but prove that you were not delusional. Lots of delusional people hear voices.]] And as I was going to pick it up something told my mind, "what if the very first verse you read was the answer"? [[A lot of religious people have played that game!]] And low an behold it sure was! A year later I had a simalar spell, but this time, just as soon as I repented, the light went on in my head and I fully understood how it wasn't a contradiction. [[Too bad that God didn't leave any way to convince rational minds!]] I don't throw my Bible around anymore, I just pray for insight & obey what I already found out to be true, and I am blessed richly for it. [[I am glad that your delusion works for you.]] However, satan will down-play, in your mind, anything that I tell you. [[Delusional! How convenient for shutting down criticism!]] You got to go get it for yourself. [[A lot of atheist leaders were once devout Christians who "got the message" but eventually saw that it was crap.]] I noticed how you mentioned that a universe could be just a little spot in an endless sea of universes. Please allow me to show you the ill in that idea. [[Delusional! So, you're now an expert cosmologist with loads of astrophysics under your belt! Unfortunately, the reality is that your grasp of science is pathetic, pathetic beyond normal standards of pathetic.]] By first and foremost definition a universe is all things that exist everywhere. [[God, then, must be part of the universe. So, how did he get his magical powers that supercede the laws of the universe?]] This is what we think of when we think of the cosmos and beyond. However, just like the highlander, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE! [[Maybe our Big-Bang universe is only a part of a greater multiverse.]] If you find something bigger than a galaxy then don't call it a universe, because there can ONLY be one of such. [[Pathetic example! Groups of galaxies are bigger than a galaxy, and there are many such groups.]] Rather call it a kallaxy. Nonetheless, I got the inside scoop, from studying The Deep Things of God Almighty (the casual readers are to unskilled to reap such) that all those NASA dreams are complete fable. [[Delusional! Any studious atheist would almost certainly know the Bible better than you. You are the casual reader! I will give you credit, however, for realizing that the Bible is a flat-earth book.]] Is it not odd how worldly science says that the moon's so called: gravity causes such tides on the massive oceans but causes absolutely no effect at all on the smaller inland bodies of water??? [[Not odd at all! Bigger mass means bigger pull. The effect on small bodies of water are much harder to detect, but I bet you that any good experimental physicist could measure that effect for the Great Lakes or any lake large enough to have detectable results. Direct laboratory measurements demonstrate Newton's law of gravity, which is still good enough for engineers, and tides are a necessary consequence of that law if the sun and moon are involved.]] There's something up with that, don't you think? [[Nope. Don't reach that conclusion.]]
Do you really expect someone to spend endless hours detailing what you got wrong with all the shit flagged above? It's like trying to patch up rotten cloth. Stitch one rip and another soon opens! Do yourself a favor and take your delusions somewhere else. We prefer to deal with serious arguments unless there is a need for entertainment.
Hi Kevin,
I found the original of the picture you use for your avatar. Did you pay to use it or did you conveniently degrade it and blot out the bit about "Thou shall not steal?"
Attach Image/Video?: