If you think that your belief is based upon reason, you will support it by argument, rather than by persecution, and will abandon it if the argument goes against you. But if your belief is based on faith, you will realize that argument is useless, and will therefore resort to force either in the form of persecution or by stunting and distorting the minds of the young in what is called ""education"". This last is particularly dastardly, since it takes advantage of the defenselessness of immature minds.
— Bertrand Russell
Quote Source: The Impact of Science on Society
I think it should be considered child abuse to indoctrinate children. I think that there should be a law prohibiting exposing children to religion until the age of 21 when their brains a fully developed. The fact that religion causes brain damage, literally atrophying the logic and reason center of the brain, the hippocampus should be enough to deter people but apparently not. (There have been studying proving this happens)
you took the words right out of my mouth (or hands :D)