Absolute proof of Super Intelligent Creatorship!

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Kevin Houston's picture
Absolute proof of Super Intelligent Creatorship!

What matters most is honesty. I believe that the only way to be a true athiest is to believe that all things spawned from absolutely no thing at all. Surely, big bangers will agree. However, once you've takin away all things, then what have you left? No matter, no energy, no awareness and NO ABILITY TO CREATE!!! Without the ability to create something, then, absolutely, nothing could ever come into existence. Again, this is because absolute nothingness lacks, even the very ability to create or bring something into existence at all. This means that, whether an athiest likes it or not, something(s), absolutely, had to ALWAYS exist, and whatever or Whoever that/It was (that always existed) had to have THE ABILITY TO CREATE ALL THINGS IN CURRENT EXISTENCE!!! Now then, inert dirt, water & a gravity theory might have the ability to make a mud patty, but what about an extremely intricate reproducing roducing set of 17 billion celled biological human beings, along with an equally complex living enviroment for them??? If modern worldly science couldn't even make a simple little, not so simple, lady bug (without pre-existing dna), then how intelligent MUST that ever existing ABILITY TO CREATE ALL THAT IS CURRENTLY IN EXISTENCE be??? Nothing short of everything that The Holy Bible reports Him to be!!! Happy 7th Day Sabbath. Praise Yah-Hoshua's Precious Name. Most Assuredly True & Truly True, Amen & Amen :-) :-)

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mykcob4's picture
My my my, we have heard this
Kevin Houston's picture
Don't miss the point, Sir.
mykcob4's picture
@Kevin Houston
Kevin Houston's picture
Now let me challenge your BS,
mykcob4's picture
You deny science, REAL
algebe's picture
@Kevin Houston: "The only way
Kevin Houston's picture
My God is The God of The Holy
Dave Matson's picture
Kevin Houston,
BAACKJD's picture
I just can't bring myself to
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I second that.
algebe's picture
@Kevin Houston: "Whoever that
Kevin Houston's picture
God never changes where is
BAACKJD's picture
...where as..
Kataclismic's picture
I like to think everything
algebe's picture
@Kataclysmic "so Jesus would
Kevin Houston's picture
No. Rather Christ (God) GAVE
Alembé's picture
Hi Kevin,
Kevin Houston's picture
Should "Omnipotent" mean that
Kevin Houston's picture
I totally believe in The Law
Kevin Houston's picture
Hey there Kataclismi. I had
Sky Pilot's picture
The problem is that we don't
Kevin Houston's picture
Want to know why it's so hard
xenoview's picture
Time is a human label placed
Dave Matson's picture
Kevin Houston,
Kevin Houston's picture
Do I think that intelligence
Kevin Houston's picture
Do I think that intelligence
Kevin Houston's picture
Do I think that intelligence
algebe's picture
@Kevin Houston: "So why are
Kevin Houston's picture
Well then maybe now you know
ThePragmatic's picture
Just an answer for the


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