Relationship with god?

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Kataclismic's picture
"If you say no, then give an

"If you say no, then give an alternative theory as to how matter was able to know and behave in a fashion consistent with something ordered"

Obviously, you assume matter knows things, there's your problem. It's a chemical reaction, you have to understand those first.

"I have no problem with the scientific method, but the scientific method doesn't disprove my speculation that MIND created and governed the world before us."

What you fail to understand is that starting with a conclusion is the opposite of science. Looking for evidence of a god you made up is a fallacy, not a logical conclusion. You admit it is speculation, and science does not speculate.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Gabriel - "which still doesn

Gabriel - "which still doesn't address the who or what created the energy to begin with."
Gabriel - "And I don't get your question with regard to ordered."

I'm asking if ordered is a binary property? Is a human being more "ordered" than 1 liter of hydrogen gas? Than a small rock? Than 1 cubic meter of hard vacuum? I mean if everything is ordered, then the word doesn't mean anything. I'm still trying to pry the definition out of you.

Deforres's picture
Here it is:

Here it is:

past tense: ordered; past participle: ordered
give an authoritative direction or instruction to do something.
"she ordered me to leave"
synonyms: instruct, command, direct, enjoin, tell, require, charge; More
"he ordered me to return"
decree, ordain, rule, legislate, dictate, prescribe
"the judge ordered that their assets be confiscated"
continually tell someone in an overbearing way what to do.
synonyms: tell what to do, give orders to, dictate to; More
lay down the law to;
informalboss around, push around
"what makes him think he can just waltz in and start ordering us about?"
command (something) to be done or (someone) to be treated in a particular way.
"he ordered the anchor dropped"
request (something) to be made, supplied, or served.
"my friend ordered the tickets last week"
synonyms: request, apply for, place an order for; More
book, reserve, preorder;
"you can order your tickets by phone"
arrange (something) in a methodical or appropriate way.
"all entries are ordered by date"
synonyms: organize, put in order, arrange, sort out, marshal, dispose, lay out; More
group, classify, categorize, catalog, codify, systematize, systemize
"the messages are ordered chronologically"

girrod's picture

I am here because I agreed with the premise set forth, that when religious people claim to have an experience with God it is an illusion. I showed this Biblically. It is you all who then set out to disprove my God claim, to which I've responded in a logical and critical way. No where have I advocated for God through physical evidence, testimony, or feelings, rather my discussion has been through logical deduction - from the known to the unknown. I then asked you all who disagreed to give me an alternative theory in cosmology that would rival or even negate my postulation, and none have given one. All that has been posited has been logically porous, begging more questions. Whether it is reheating, zero energy, multi-universe, alien life, they all begin the premise of something already existing, but some of you have mentioned, as I agree, that matter and the universe has a beginning, to which this necessitates the FIRST CAUSE. Therefore, our discussion has been on cosmology, the metaphysical study of the BEGINNING of the universe - who or what is responsible for matter? So if matter just evolved out of nothing, please explain this. On the contrary, it has been you Mr. Pragmatic that hasn't answered any of my questions, which haven't been hard, rather following the foot prints of nature give a logical suggestion, rather than "I don't know!"

On the discussion of order, you all trying to complicate matters. There is no doubt that a rock and a human being are not the same in structure, but their biological makeup to its sub cellular level all possess the properties of systematic arrangement. Everything has been structured with precision and fine tuning, else it would not exist.

What is interesting in all of this discussion is, and I've mentioned it before, it's funny that rational men discover things present in nature and then attempt to rationalize it away from MIND being responsible for nature itself. Now that is pure irony!

algebe's picture

".it's funny that rational men discover things present in nature and then attempt to rationalize it away from MIND being responsible for nature itself. Now that is pure irony!"

The real irony is that otherwise rational men discover things in nature by using their minds, and then dream up a god/creator/deity so they don't have to think about them anymore.

mislam's picture
@ Gabriel

@ Gabriel

Gabriel: -“The only logical speculation that makes sense to me is when something possess [sic] attributes of order, intelligence, and fine-tuning then this leads me back to a Superior Being who is responsible for this.”

Me: - You are starting with a superior being and then working backwards to fit it into your ‘logical’ speculation. Your own words - “this leads me back to a Superior Being”.

Gabriel: - “Therefore, after studying holy books, the only Being that has made sense is the one mentioned In the Bible as being MIND.”

Me: - Yet again you are starting with a ‘Being’.

Let me expand on my earlier question. Sans indoctrination and there being no 'holy' books what would your explanation be?

Nyarlathotep's picture

Could you please answer my question explicitly?

I'm asking if ordered is a binary property? Is a human being more "ordered" than 1 liter of hydrogen gas? Than a small rock? Than 1 cubic meter of hard vacuum?

ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel

@ Gabriel

"On the contrary, it has been you Mr. Pragmatic that hasn't answered any of my questions, which haven't been hard, rather following the foot prints of nature give a logical suggestion, rather than "I don't know!""

I already explained, your questions have unwarranted premises and conclusions. So to even be able to continue from there, I (we) have counter questions.

You just gave another example of that now:

"it's funny that rational men discover things present in nature and then attempt to rationalize it away from MIND being responsible for nature itself. Now that is pure irony!"

What do you mean "away from MIND"? Where did you get the impression that it must start with mind?

Deforres's picture
"I showed this Biblically."

"I showed this Biblically."

And that is exactly the problem. Ypi used a book with no credibility as proof. Or, I should say, tried to. That set off the tracking sensors on the 40mm Bofors Anti Aircraft guns known as Atheists.

girrod's picture

Why can't you humble yourself and see the logic in my position, especially the one who calls himself Pragmatic, which means guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory. When I consider the world around me, what I observe is man's mind and imagination giving rise to all sorts of things / buildings, cars, computers, space rockets, et. al. All items of life have been created and systematically arranged with the process of MIND/ RATIONAL. Now, what's interesting is, as we've gotten more advanced in our thinking and machinery we've been able to study the properties of nature, (which has been here before we arrived through birth), closely, and what it has revealed is, a systematic arrangement of things - order, intelligence, and fine tuning, from classical determinism to the subatomic realm. This is indisputable. Hence, an honest, open/minded, and truthful person, based on pragmatism, concludes that Someone or Something, with Intelligence (MIND) is responsible for our world. I haven't started with an assumption of a Creator and then build around it, rather I begin with the world around me and its properties, which has led me to this conclusion - from the known to the unknown.

Now as I've mentioned before, from nature alone, one cannot know the true identity of our Creator, and the reason why people speculate and offer tons of ideas. Therefore, I am under the impression that whoever or whatever created this universe wanted us to know him or it in a more intimate way. And the only way to do this is communicate to us in a different manner other than hinting to his of its existence through nature. Now this takes us to a discussion of "holy books" because these all claim a Maker, the one responsible for our world and existence. So with great intrigue one considers these books and should use his or her mind to establish, consistent with nature and reality, the Creator that fits with the properties of nature. And when I look at these books, anyone which begins to describe things that are inane and foolish (i.e., our Creator is a person, animal, nature, etc.), I quickly discard, because this is inconsistent with nature. The only holy book that has ever made sense to me has been the Bible, correctly interpreted, as the only book that has described a believable Creator, based on what we know and experience from life. Now you are vehemently biased against the Bible because of false and inane claims of religions folks, based on misinterpretations of the Bible. And now you clumped everyone who believes in the Bible with these folks, which I've attempted to tell you that they are wrong in their views.

And I've explained what I mean by ordered / a systematic arrangement of things. Things aren't more ordered from this definition, but things behave differently from one item to another, because they aren't the same. A rock is different from a human being and its structures aren't the same, but both move through a systematic arrangement.

Deforres's picture
W"hat it has revealed is, a

W"hat it has revealed is, a systematic arrangement of things - order, intelligence, and fine tuning, from classical determinism to the subatomic realm."

No, it has shown a system of random occurrences that, over the course of 13 Billion years, led to the earth, and us by extension. No creator required.

In essence, everything is a coincidence.

ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabiel

@ Gabiel

" honest, open/minded, and truthful person, based on pragmatism, concludes that Someone or Something, with Intelligence (MIND) is responsible for our world."

Why? There is no real reason to insert an mind here. You have no real case for such an arrogant assumption. Hence, this is not as you say "an open mind", since you have predetermined that there is a mind involved and that everyone should come to this conclusion, completely without justification.

ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel

@ Gabriel

"I haven't started with an assumption of a Creator and then build around it, rather I begin with the world around me and its properties, which has led me to this conclusion - from the known to the unknown."

This is either pure denial or pure ignorance. That is exactly what you have done: Started with the assumption that there is a mind who is the creator of this universe.

ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel

@ Gabriel

"The only holy book that has ever made sense to me has been the Bible, correctly interpreted"

Okay. But...
- Why would the creator of the universe, the creator of life and humanity let the instructions for humanity to be written down in a code that requires special interpretation?
- Why would the creator allow multiple different version of that book to be written afterwards?
- Why was this holy scripture written as multiple different scriptures by different authors, where some where discarded and others were included at "The First Council of Nicaea" at 325 CE?
- Why would this creator allow the original scriptures to be written in a language without vowels or accents?
- Why did he allow other holy scriptures to be written both before and after the true one?

Have you read the other holy texts?
Have you read The Book of Mormon? Have you read the Jehova's Witness Bible? Have you read The Quran (it must of course be read in Arabic to be truly scripture)? Have you studied Buddhism? Jainism? Sikhism?

ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel

@ Gabriel

You say that you have a completely different view than the general population that believe in the bible.

"Now you are vehemently biased against the Bible because of false and inane claims of religions folks, based on misinterpretations of the Bible. And now you clumped everyone who believes in the Bible with these folks, which I've attempted to tell you that they are wrong in their views."

But you still use the same arguments as many other creationists: You start with an eternal creator, your holy scripture is true but others don't understand it, you claim to use logic but show just the opposite.

This is nothing new. Hello Kent Hovind! Hello Ken Ham! Hello Ray Comfort!

ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel

@ Gabriel

"I've explained what I mean by ordered / a systematic arrangement of things."


"...A rock is different from a human being and its structures aren't the same, but both move through a systematic arrangement."

Right... what?
How about you actually provide a definition?

Deforres's picture
What would you like a

What would you like a definition for? If he won't provide it, I will.

ThePragmatic's picture
Thank you for the offer.

Thank you for the offer. Unfortunately, it has to be Gabriel that provides that definition, since he may mean something else than the official definition.

I was referring to the definition of "order" and "ordered" as Gabriel has used them in his posts.
Nyarlathotep has asked Gabriel to provide a definition several times, and he claims to have done so (without doing it).

Deforres's picture
"since he may mean something

"since he may mean something else than the official definition."

Using that called "Making shit up out of thin air"?

ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel

@ Gabriel

You don't have to answer these questions, but please think about them.
Of course, you are welcome to surprise me if you feel like it.

- Were you born in an area that predominantly Christian?
- Assuming you were, do you think it's a coincidence that you are Christian and believe in the Bible?
- Assuming you were, do you think it was pure luck luck you were born where the true religion was dominant?

girrod's picture

It's funny watching you all trying to change definitions and give suggestions to the beginning of the universe that don't make any sense. Really Xavier, the universe is a coincidence, but you said earlier that the universe may come from aliens or a multi-universe. So which is it? I like your chameleon approach when you get back up into a logical corner. At least I've been consistent.

I've given the definition of ordered as a systematic arrangement of things governed by rules. I've given the examples of how cells work and the synergy of ecosystems. I've asked you and others that if these things don't demonstrate order, then what would you call it? Randomness, I presume? If so, give a logical explanation how organic matter possesses the traits of order without any rationality behind it. You must be able to show that organic matter possesses consciousness, because as I have demonstrated in my last post, there is nothing in reality and experience that tells us that organic matter, without the process of MIND, that would instill itself with rational functions in order that life may exist.

Now, let me give what the Bible teaches concerning how God revealed himself and the confusions experienced in religious matters. The Bible teaches that the heavens declare the glory of God, His Power, and Godhead (Ps.19:1; Rom. 1:20). Through use of logic and reason, the properties of nature should evince a Creator. This then should lead us to a further investigation as to this Creator's true identity. This is where a study of the holy books comes into play. As I've mentioned, out of all the books studying and investigated, the Bible describes a Creator consistent with life. And it is here that the Bible teaches us that God revealed Himself through oral and written communication to mankind (Gen. 12:1; 2 Tim. 3:16-17). Now what the Bible reveals in man's history is, man possessed freewill (choice), meaning man either chose to discover the true God or make up his own gods - idolatry (Josh. 24:15). The Bible teaches that God left man with his own intellect to connect the dots of life and search after him (Acts 17:19-24). Now what this means is and what the Bible teaches is, our birth into this world is purely chance (Eccl. 3:2; 9:11), meaning we get what we get in birth. So we may get stuck with good or horrible guardians. But whatever family we're born into, the Bible teaches that we must use our mental facilities to think for ourselves (Pr. 4:23; 23:7); hence, question all things. We are responsible for our own thought process. Don't you all agree with this?

Dave Matson's picture


Cat got your tongue? I suspect that you would rather preach to us than seriously answer the various points I have brought up. Your past posts, as I've documented several times, are full of confusion, error, and lacking in evidence. Doesn't that bother you? Apparently not! Well, here goes again.

Gabriel's response (with notes by Greensnake).

It's funny watching you all trying to change definitions and give suggestions to the beginning of the universe that don't make any sense. [#E1 Your opinion on that subject doesn't count for zip, so maybe you should back it up with quotations from experts.] Really Xavier, the universe is a coincidence, but you said earlier that the universe may come from aliens or a multi-universe. So which is it? I like your chameleon approach when you get back up into a logical corner. At least I've been consistent. [#E2 Yep! You have consistently claimed that the Great Green Spider is the logical explanation for the universe. Congratulations on your consistency! Too bad your conclusion rests on obsolete design arguments and faulty logic!]

I've given the definition of ordered as a systematic arrangement of things governed by rules. I've given the examples of how cells work and the synergy of ecosystems. I've asked you and others that if these things don't demonstrate order, then what would you call it? [#E3 "Order" to you is a code word. Yes, there is order but it has nothing to do with the Great Green Spider.] Randomness, I presume? If so, give a logical explanation how organic matter [#E4 Life?] possesses the traits of order without any rationality behind it. [#E5 It's called "evolution," dear Gabriel! Maybe you should study the subject sometime. It's fascinating!] You must be able to show that organic matter possesses consciousness [#E6 What are you talking about? Last time I checked, sugars (organic matter) showed no signs of consciousness! Maybe "organic matter" is another of your code words, so how about defining it.], because as I have demonstrated in my last post, there is nothing in reality and experience that tells us that organic matter, without the process of MIND [#E7 What the hell is that? Sounds like another of your code words. Every mind we know about is firmly rooted in organized matter.], that would instill itself with rational functions in order that life may exist. [#E8 Consciousness would be an "emergent property." Some properties, such as color or temperature, lose their usual meaning at more fundamental levels. That is, they "emerge" only at higher levels of organization. No god is needed.]

Now, let me give what the Bible teaches [#E9 Do we really care what the Bible teaches? In areas of science it is about 3000 years out of date! It's knowledge on any subject is limited to that of the Iron Age.] concerning how God revealed himself and the confusions experienced in religious matters. The Bible teaches that the heavens declare the glory of God, His Power, and Godhead (Ps.19:1; Rom. 1:20). Through use of logic and reason, the properties of nature should evince a Creator. [#E10 Because the Bible says so? I'll put my money on science, thank you! That got us to the moon!] This then should lead us to a further investigation as to this Creator's true identity. This is where a study of the holy books comes into play. As I've mentioned, out of all the books studying and investigated, the Bible describes a Creator consistent with life. [#E11 In the opinion of a dyed-in-the-wool Christian.] And it is here that the Bible teaches us that God revealed Himself through oral and written communication to mankind (Gen. 12:1; 2 Tim. 3:16-17). [#E12 Apparently, God could have used the services of a good advertisement agency! His approach was totally incompetent.] Now what the Bible reveals in man's history is, man possessed freewill (choice), meaning man either chose to discover the true God [#E13 Your god, of course!!] or make up his own gods - idolatry (Josh. 24:15). The Bible teaches that God left man with his own intellect to connect the dots of life and search after him (Acts 17:19-24). Now what this means is and what the Bible teaches is, our birth into this world is purely chance (Eccl. 3:2; 9:11), meaning we get what we get in birth. [#E14 So, if you are born a Muslim, and naturally don't believe in Jesus, you go to hell.] So we may get stuck with good or horrible guardians. But whatever family we're born into, the Bible teaches that we must use our mental facilities to think for ourselves (Pr. 4:23; 23:7); hence, question all things. [#E15 Question all things except the silliness of the Bible and the absurdity of Christian theology.] We are responsible for our own thought process. [#E16 Right! Born in Saudi Arabia, become a Muslim; born in Kansas, become a Protestant Christian. Born in parts of India, become a Hindu. If you get it wrong, that's your fault!] Don't you all agree with this?

[#E17 Are you done preaching yet? I do like the part about using our minds to think for ourselves, to question all things. However, objective thinking, the product of a disciplined mind which has the best chance at getting at the truth, requires training. Otherwise, we will wind up chasing flying saucers, Bigfoot, ghosts, elves, and every conspiracy "theory" that ever hatched. We might even wind up believing in the Bible! Yes, do think for yourself, but first learn how to think. It doesn't come naturally! It takes training and study.

ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel

@ Gabriel

"You must be able to show..."

There you go again, demanding proof.

"...that organic matter possesses consciousness"


girrod's picture
Now, since man possess choice

Now, since man possess choice then he or she can come up with things that are wrong and in error. God allows this, but it is still up to us to question them and see whether their actions or thoughts are consistent with logic, reason, and comman sense. This is where false holy books come into play. Men have written books inconsistent with reality and experience. This is why I've rejected the Book of Mormon because Mormonism believes that God is a man who has thousands of wives and through impregantion, has placed spirit children upon other planets. Now that sounds stupid! Pentecostal believe God to be a force or energy, and that doesn't make sense as well, because they are describing God as matter. Now certainly there are some that believe that God is MIND, but what makes them in error are their practices of idols, and morality and ethics.

Dave Matson's picture


So now you wish to preach to us! I'll buy the part about those other religions being silly, but you forgot to include your version of Christianity. The core of Christianity is this weird idea that God came down and sacrificed himself on the cross, which somehow supposed to take away the magically inherited sin from Adam. Hanging some innocent on the cross has no logical connection to anyone's misdeeds. Much of that, of course, is later theology. The Gospel of Mark, the oldest of the 4 gospels, does not make a god out of Jesus. He is God's anointed one who received his commission at his baptism by John the Baptist.

The idea that your god is MIND (without material support) is every bit as stupid as any of the religions you cited. You are sailing about in your own dream world!

ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel

@ Gabriel

So in a way, what you are saying is that it is good to have doubt?
It's good if a Mormon doubts their religion? It's good if a Hindu doubts their religion?

ætherborn98's picture
It's always good to doubt. We

It's always good to doubt. We need to be correct of our religion, so as to not suffer eternally.

algebe's picture
@Hawk Flint

@Hawk Flint
"It's always good to doubt."

I agree. We should question everything. But Jesus didn't seem to think so. Didn't he rebuke Doubting Thomas with the words "Oh thee of little faith"?

ætherborn98's picture
We are also supposed to test

We are also supposed to test the spirit behind things. Note that "spirit" does not mean a literal spirit.

Sir Random's picture
Care to enlighten us a stop

Care to enlighten us a stop what it DOES mean then?


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