You've got faith (ding)

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Watchman TC's picture
You've got faith (ding)

Atheism is the religious tradition whose adherents deny their own faith. Fitting for a religion at enmity with God. Rejecting the existence of the true and living God, whose power and attributes are manifest in everyone, is nothing new.

"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God" (Psalm 14:1a).

David calls the denier of God a fool not because the denier is mindless, but because he knows better and does the wrong thing anyway. If one denies God, then one denies his sin, and if one denies his sin, then he denies the judgment to come. For a time.

The atheist's supernatural belief is in an imaginary force called Chance, which he believes brought about the universe and all life. Coupled with his self-contradicting belief in cognitive relativism -- which goes like, "I don't know the truth, and neither do you" -- he has a formula for deceiving even himself into believing he has no superstitious beliefs.

Religion doesn't require belief in deity. Take Buddhism, for example. Atheism is a pagan religion without a deity. The idols of atheism are idols to creaturely things, especially the one the atheist sees in the mirror.

The atheist can't admit that his lack of belief in God entails a whole belief system. It requires the formulation of a worldview in which existence is possible without God, and as such, he must posit a godless universe in which everything came into being naturally and now exhibits all the wonders we observe. That requires a lot of imagination, fantasy and faith.

Moreover, atheism requires an indoctrination program where kids are bathed in this faith five days a week. It's shameful and unconstitutional to allow the atheist religion to be taught in public school curriculum to the exclusion of other faiths. Either eliminate the curriculum that inculcates kids with the naturalistic-materialist worldview of atheism or allow the worldviews of a broader spectrum of faiths to be taught.

I speak as someone who was raised by unbelievers, went to public schools and an extremely liberal university, and was an atheist until age 43.

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Tin-Man's picture
Watchman TC's picture
Pure ad hominem. Try it with
Tin-Man's picture
@WatchmanTC Re: "Pure ad
Watchman TC's picture
You're confused about the
Nyarlathotep's picture
Watchman TC - ...[the atheist
Watchman TC's picture
If you can't establish that a
Nyarlathotep's picture
@Watchman TC
Watchman TC's picture
Correct: the godless
Nyarlathotep's picture
Watchman TC - It's shameful
Watchman TC's picture
That whole paragraph is aimed
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Watchman TC
Watchman TC's picture
I favor teaching kids about
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Watchman
Watchman TC's picture
A good, unbiased start would
Sapporo's picture
Watchman TC: A good, unbiased
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"Those statistics are only
Sapporo's picture
Watchman TC:
Watchman TC's picture
Yes, I favor teaching kids
Sapporo's picture
Yes, I favor teaching kids
Watchman TC's picture
"it would be inappropriate to
Sapporo's picture
"it would be inappropriate to
Nyarlathotep's picture
Watchman TC - The atheist's
Watchman TC's picture
I'd be interested in having a
Sapporo's picture
Watchman TC: I'd be
Watchman TC's picture
So you don't believe in
Sapporo's picture
Watchman TC: So you don't
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Look: If you want to bring up
Sapporo's picture
Watchman TC: Look: If you
Watchman TC's picture
What you call assumptions are
Sapporo's picture
Watchman TC: What you call


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