Why would people worship God?

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safarriii13's picture
Why would people worship God?

I’ve erased my inital posting of this thread and decided to leave this site. I won’t be logging back into this website but before I left, I wanted to say one last thing. Take a look at the world around you. Look at the sky, all the trees, every living and non living creature, and all the people. Whether you can admit it to yourself or not, human hands could not have created everything we see. Something must have created the earth we live in. And that is God, and that is the truth. The truth is still the truth, even if no one believes it. Stop focusing on trying to prove that God doesn’t exist and trying to discredit all he has ever done, he won’t change. I hope and I pray that so many of you will either turn or turn back to God. He knows all that you have ever done, every wrong thing you have spoken about him yet he still loves you. It’s never too late to turn to God, and the first step is believing. Everyone of us will stand before God one day, period.

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mykcob4's picture
Are you fucking kidding me?
safarriii13's picture
Hi mykcob4 (: well that got
mykcob4's picture
Nicholas Bogosian's picture
Lol, you "understand people
MCDennis's picture
Don't take the survey, It is
safarriii13's picture
I can agree that I should
mykcob4's picture
Burn Your Bible's picture
Hahahahahaha what a bunch of
Burn Your Bible's picture
Oh and after reading that you
mykcob4's picture
@ safari er uh I mean god is
bigbill's picture
I believe the reason humanity
Burn Your Bible's picture
And mentally ill mass
bigbill's picture
yes that is true but were
algebe's picture
@God is Love: "human hands
bigbill's picture
evolution can not account for
algebe's picture
@devout christian: "evolution
Sirkenstien's picture
Christianity gives you a very
David_Holloway's picture
This true, nor does evolution
bigbill's picture
But you don`t answer you
Sirkenstien's picture
If you truly consider it. The
Pitar's picture
Wow, you truly believe that
Sirkenstien's picture
consciousness evolved out of
algebe's picture
@Devout Christian: "where did
bigbill's picture
how about the soul and the
algebe's picture
@Devout Christian: "avoid the
mykcob4's picture
Oh for cryin' out loud.
algebe's picture
....St Bartholemew's Day
Cognostic's picture
You have confused created
Chica__2009's picture
Ok, I know this discussion is
Sirkenstien's picture
"The mind is a garden and we

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