When did your belief begin?

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Kataclismic's picture
When did your belief begin?

Chances are, if your parents were religious, that you were indoctrinated from a very early age and have no memory of when you started believing. If this is you then I would like to know your very earliest memory of your belief and how your concept of God has changed since you've matured. Your age would be a good note here too if you don't mind.

A smaller percentile will have missed the indoctrination for any of a multitude of reasons and found your way to religion on your own terms. From you, I'd like to know what age you began your journey, what was going on in your life at the time and how the church or your belief or God himself has helped you.

Please include details about your current beliefs and practices. I promise to only ask meaningful questions and implore my fellow atheists to respectfully adhere to this as well.
Thank you.

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Sapporo's picture
(Answering as an atheist and
Cognostic's picture
Went to Church a few times as
UneducatedAtheists's picture
And a little about your brief
CyberLN's picture
UA, you wrote, “and I really
UneducatedAtheists's picture
I think not, but thank you
CyberLN's picture
I’ll spell it out for you..
Sheldon's picture
"I think not, but thank you
arakish's picture
Sheldon, at least he admitted
Sheldon's picture
" I slipped into Atheism at a
UneducatedAtheists's picture
Shut up moron, and begome
Sheldon's picture
You seem a very angry little
Kataclismic's picture
You guys are just ridiculous.


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Tin-Man's picture
Re: UneducatedAtheists -
Cognostic's picture
@ God to prove himself,
UneducatedAtheists's picture
Unoriginal.. better luck on
arakish's picture
When did your belief begin?
Kataclismic's picture
The grammar Nazi in me is
arakish's picture
rmfr are my initials. RMF
Randomhero1982's picture
It's amazing how many of
UneducatedAtheists's picture
I'm European, you 2nd rate
arakish's picture
Okay. I am guessing
UneducatedAtheists's picture
As exhibited by your lack of
Randomhero1982's picture
How wonderfully Christian of
Sheldon's picture
Is it me or did he have an
ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
My parents were Christian but
Kataclismic's picture
Thank you for your submission
Sheldon's picture
He will never change. He
ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
I told him what age I began
Kataclismic's picture
Yes, I think we were starting
CyberLN's picture
If memory serves, I think he


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