Theological Noncognitivism

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EdParker's picture
Theological Noncognitivism

We 'theological noncognitists' are neither theists, atheists nor agnostics. We claim that atheists mistake the meaningLESS row of three alphabet letters "God" for a meaningFUL word for a nonexistent thing. We can only believe that if "God" with a capital "G" had any meaning, we would be able to imagine what it means to some theists, just as we can imagine what "unicorn" and "mermaid" mean because they are meaningFUL words for nonexistent things. But unlike those two meaningful words for nonexistent things, we can't imagine anything for "God" to mean! We TN's also do not say "No gods exist" (with a small "g"), as atheists say. Surprised? Yes, but we TN's don't worship any gods (small "g")! Explanation: It is believed that early man's first god (small "g") was the sun. Now, we do label Zeus and Thor as "nonexistent gods", even though we do not worship them. Somebody worshiped them, so we label them "gods". Therefore if early man worshiped the sun, even though we do not worship the sun, we must label the sun as "an existent god" in order to be consistent with our labeling of Zeus and Thor as "nonexistent gods". Thus we cannot say "No gods exist" as atheists claim, for the sun may be a god (if early man worshiped it) and the sun exists. What do TN's say about theists? Theists don't worship a god, but only erroneously think they do. What do TN's say about agnostics? Agnostics erroneously think 'God' refers to something that may exist and may not exist, but it doesn't refer to anything. What do TN's say about atheists? Atheists erroneously think theists worship a god named "God", but they don't. Again, we TN's claim that atheists mistake the meaningless row of three alphabet letters "God" (capital "G") for a meaningful word for a nonexistent thing. Atheists also complicate matters further by replacing the meaningless row of three alphabet letters "God" by the meaningFUL word "god", not capitalized. They do that because they think "God" is a meaningful word, and think they are showing disrespect for something by decapitalizing it. But the row of three alphabet letters "God" does not refer to anything to show any disrespect for.

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Cognostic's picture
@ EdParker
Sapporo's picture
Have "we" decided how many
Cognostic's picture
You need two pins, one for
Sheldon's picture
'theological noncognitists'
Sheldon's picture
'theological noncognitists'
chimp3's picture
@ Edparker: Seems like
Peurii's picture
So much nonesense and
Sheldon's picture
I feel your pain, I get so
Nyarlathotep's picture
EdParker - [Atheists] do that
Terminal Dogma's picture
Theists make the same error
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Terminal Dogma's picture
Stupid autospell capitalises
arakish's picture
@OP, and Ed Parker

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