Terrorism & Islam

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delybe's picture
Terrorism & Islam

What little of the Koran I've read seemed a bit vague. I would like to understand the relationship between Islam & Terrorism. Is it (as some people claim) written in the book? Or is it common interpretations that lead some people to violent acts? Someone told me that "Islam" means peace. So why is it that outsiders like myself (and many insiders as well) are so afraid of Islam? Perhaps someone can suggest a good book to explain this phenomenon.

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CyberLN's picture
Siren be, you asked, “So why
algebe's picture
David Killens's picture
It is not the religion itself
dogalmighty's picture
boomer47's picture
boomer47's picture
dogalmighty's picture
boomer47's picture
dogalmighty's picture
OK...I understand your point
Cognostic's picture
HumeMystic's picture
Whitefire13's picture
Wellst23's picture
Come on, you know how hard it
bekean's picture
It is important to note that
William00's picture
In addition to these two
AlexHopkins's picture
This a very awesome blog post
Sparrow000's picture


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SanyaPepega's picture


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mike92's picture
Quantum computing is at the

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