Science is inherently atheistic

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David Killens's picture
"You seem to be suggesting
David Killens's picture
Are you proposing that all of
Blue Grey Brain's picture
Are you proposing that all of
David Killens's picture
I did not know you were made
arakish's picture
That was a great one David.
LostLocke's picture
Blue Grey Brain's picture
David Killens's picture
He has an opinion he is
Blue Grey Brain's picture
He has an opinion he is
David Killens's picture
You are the one not being
Blue Grey Brain's picture
You are the one not being
David Killens's picture
@ Avant Brown
Blue Grey Brain's picture
@ Avant Brown
Cognostic's picture
OH GOD! This guy is still
Blue Grey Brain's picture
OH GOD! This guy is still at
David Killens's picture
Yea Cognostic, still at it. I
arakish's picture
Thus proving he is a
Meepwned's picture
Science does not fully reject
Blue Grey Brain's picture
Science does not fully reject
Cognostic's picture
Damn! Avant Brown is
arakish's picture
I already have, several times
Cognostic's picture
It's one thing to be ignorant
Blue Grey Brain's picture
@ Cognostic
Blue Grey Brain's picture
Cognostic's picture
Why? You neither read them
Blue Grey Brain's picture
Why? You neither read them or
arakish's picture
@ Avant Brown
Blue Grey Brain's picture
@ Avant Brown
arakish's picture
Go ask your mentor PhD baby.
Cognostic's picture


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