Science is inherently atheistic

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Blue Grey Brain's picture
Science is inherently atheistic

[Note: Atheism broadly means lack of belief in deities, according to Wikipedia/atheism.]

  • Atheism does not merely concern rejecting deities, as you'll see on Wikipedia/atheism, or point 2 below.
  • Modern Science is an atheistic endeavour. Since we didn't always have modern science, it is probably no surprise that Modern Science emerged from "archaic science/religion/protoscience" in the scientific revolution, as religion was literally dropped from science in the scientific revolution or age of enlightenment. See "Wikipedia/protoscience", or "Wikipedia/Scientific revolution". A quick example: See when "astrology/religion/archaic science" was dropped from "modern science/astronomy", on Wikipedia/astrology and astronomy. (Note that astrology concerns deities and religious endeavour.)
  • -------------------
    [Note that Wikipedia/astrology states that astrology may be seen as a “Greek system of planetary Gods”, see also Wikipedia/planets in astrology, which concerns deities. It becomes quite clear here that Modern science having dropped astrology, disregards deities, where Modern Science need not make any positive claims about the in-existence of deities, although Modern Science clearly rejects belief in deities, i.e. Modern Science is inherently atheistic. ]

  • This does not mean I am saying religious scientists can't exist. However, atheistic scientists are scientists that tend to objectively analyse the truth value of things including religion; they precisely align with the scientific endeavour of disregarding religious endeavour. This contrasts non-atheistic scientists on this matter, who disregard or "turn off" scientific endeavour while analyzing religion.
  • ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    As a new rule or rather suggestion, I urge responders to include sources/valid citations, as it is quite demonstrable by now that many feelings are intertwined in peoples' responses, devoid of many facts, especially when they avoid providing sources.

    Please try to include sources/valid citations that seek to substantiate points, as often as possible.

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    arakish's picture
    If it was, then why are there
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    If it was, then why are there
    arakish's picture
    And you guessed it. I am
    David Killens's picture
    Whoa, back it up Avant Brown,
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    Whoa, back it up Avant Brown,
    arakish's picture
    Astronomy is actually older
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    Astronomy is actually older
    arakish's picture
    @ Avant Brown
    David Killens's picture
    @Avant Brown
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    With the development of the
    David Killens's picture
    I do not lean on Wiki. I have
    SeniorCitizen007's picture
    Science can perhaps be seen
    algebe's picture
    I agree with the original
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    I agree with the original
    SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
    As is the case of Isaac
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    As is the case of Isaac
    algebe's picture
    @Avant Brown: As is the case
    arakish's picture
    If Isaac Newton were alive
    ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
    From my perspective, the
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    From my perspective, the
    ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
    What does it mean to be
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    What does it mean to be
    ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
    Thats applicable to
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    A science that rejects
    ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
    It does so for rather
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    Yet another demonstrably
    ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
    Empiricism is a school of
    Sheldon's picture
    "Open-mindedness is a better
    Cognostic's picture
    Avant Brown" "Modern
    Blue Grey Brain's picture
    Avant Brown" "Modern Science


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