Richard Dawkins says maybe it is better if AGI replaces humans!

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ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Richard Dawkins says maybe it is better if AGI replaces humans!

Richard Dawkins said:

…it might not be a bad thing if we went extinct.
And our civilization, the memory of Shakespeare and Beethoven and Michelangelo persisted in silicon rather than in brains and our form of life. And one could foresee a future time when silicon beings look back on a dawn age when the earth was peopled by soft squishy watery organic beings and who knows that might be better, but we’re really in the science fiction territory now.

Reference: Youtube video clip where Dawkins mentions the above

What do you guys think?

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Sapporo's picture
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Jordan, what are your
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@Sheldon: I don't know what
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Hi, that's precisely what i
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Yeah, I remember that Q&A.
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
arakish said:
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PGJ "1.) I am quite the
ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
That actually sounds like a


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