Renouncing Islam

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Valiya's picture
Renouncing Islam

Hi all

Some of you may be familiar with me - the ardent Islamic apologetic - who has vehemently defended several issues related to Islam such as the age of marriage of Aisha, penal code, evolution and so forth. But today, I stand here as someone who has renounced my faith completely, and I have come to realize that every aspect of Islam (beliefs, laws and moral teachings) was the product of a 6th century tribal mind. Perhaps my discussions on this forum with many of you may have played a role in my change of mind - each of your arguments shaking lose a stone from my faith foundations - ultimately leading to where I am now.

But God... I am no so sure yet! Although, without a religion, God is not much relevant anyways.

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ilovechloe's picture
Welcome to your new found
Nyarlathotep's picture
Well I'm stunned and don't
Valiya's picture
Thanks Nyarl... thanks for
Whitefire13's picture
Hi, Royism ... I’m new to the
Valiya's picture
Thanks Whitefire 13.
Whitefire13's picture
I plan on it :)
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Concur with Nyar.
Valiya's picture
Hi Old Man... thanks a lot
Tin-Man's picture
Valiya's picture
Hi Tin Man
Tin-Man's picture
Valiya's picture
Yes Tin Man... you are right.
Nyarlathotep's picture
ROYISM - Anyone who has any
Valiya's picture
NewSkeptic's picture
First COVID-19, then stock
Valiya's picture
Hey NewSkeptic
Whitefire13's picture
UGH!!!! I just thought if
David Killens's picture
Valiya's picture
David Killens
Tin-Man's picture
dogalmighty's picture
I remember you. I was moved
Simon Moon's picture
Simon Moon's picture
I meant, Recovering From
CyberLN's picture
Hi, Royism. When, do you
Valiya's picture
Hi CyberLN
MinutiaeAccreted's picture
I'm guessing that even
watchman's picture
Valiya's picture
Hey watchman.... thanks a lot
Sheldon's picture
ROYISM "religion is not the
LogicFTW's picture


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