OLD testament vs. NEW testament

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AJ777's picture
As i said earlier the
mykcob4's picture
I've been to the Baptist
AJ777's picture
Well mykob you’re mistaken.
mykcob4's picture
AJ777's picture
The Old Testament which is
mykcob4's picture
It is possible that the Torah
jonthecatholic's picture
Actually, whoever we may give
mykcob4's picture
Bert Ehrmann is a professor
jonthecatholic's picture
Bart Ehrman:
mykcob4's picture
CyberLN's picture
"Bert Ehrmann is a professor
mykcob4's picture
Bert Ehrmann is an
CyberLN's picture
I'm sure you mean Bart Ehrman
mykcob4's picture
Do you know of ANY professor
CyberLN's picture
Here's one: Bart Ehrman
AJ777's picture
Mykcob4, so are you saying
mykcob4's picture
AJ777's picture
mycob4, please please,
mykcob4's picture
You fucking arrogant moron
AJ777's picture
Psalm 51. Among other places
mykcob4's picture
"jesus" is NEVER mentioned in
AJ777's picture
I did not say the word Jesus
Nyarlathotep's picture
AJ777 - The Christian
jonthecatholic's picture
I guess the hope was there
mykcob4's picture
Ideas? Opinions? They are
Burn Your Bible's picture
I guesss I was not clear
AJ777's picture
Exodus 21:16
Burn Your Bible's picture
So if we both pulled ESV
AJ777's picture
And you still can’t see it.
mykcob4's picture


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