OLD testament vs. NEW testament

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Burn Your Bible's picture
OLD testament vs. NEW testament

Why are christians so willing to throw away the Old Testament during debates but then cite the 10 commandments as moral law??

Thank you,
Burn your bible

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jonthecatholic's picture
I'm wondering what you mean
mykcob4's picture
@ JoC
jonthecatholic's picture
Oh wow, I've missed you! True
mykcob4's picture
No JoC, you don't get out of
Burn Your Bible's picture
Well simply put when I argue
jonthecatholic's picture
I see. The same actually goes
Burn Your Bible's picture
So I am not quoting you but
AJ777's picture
The Protestant Christian view
CyberLN's picture
Please explain Matthew 5:17 &
Burn Your Bible's picture
AJ777's picture
My opinion is no, but apart
algebe's picture
AJ777: "My opinion is no"
Burn Your Bible's picture
Exodus 21-23 clearly gives
AJ777's picture
As I think was stated above,
algebe's picture
AJ777: "if as you believe God
AJ777's picture
Why is your opinion right and
algebe's picture
AJ777: "Why is your opinion
Burn Your Bible's picture
Oh oh pick me pick me I can
CyberLN's picture


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Burn Your Bible's picture
Only for Hebrews was it a
Burn Your Bible's picture
Also as a side not I think
AJ777's picture
As a species slavery is still
AJ777's picture
Also, it seems you are
Burn Your Bible's picture
Again there are laws against
jonthecatholic's picture
I actually like the way you
Burn Your Bible's picture
Ok yet in the times this over
AJ777's picture
Of course there are laws
Burn Your Bible's picture
I said we have evolved as a
AJ777's picture
Why are you so angry at
Burn Your Bible's picture
Answer my questions first


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