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Pitar's picture
People retreat into their

People retreat into their shells and cower there for lack of knowledge they can bring to bear in defense of their beliefs. Stated another way, I scare the fuck out of them with simple words in normal tones delivering the historicity of the biblical events in the context of an actual historically unbiased record showing undeniable evidence in direct juxtaposition to what they held as inarguable truths. They never knew any of that stuff and throughout their lives never questioned their beliefs until I came along. It's a sadistic kind of fun for me but I only apply it with people who need a good dose of humility. I leave others of innocent demeanor to continue living with their blissful ignorance. On averages, I'm a very odd fellow to theists who learn the hard way of my affliction with atheism.

If the OP is curious, the way of the atheist draws a parallel to the recluse where society commonly considers religion to be a good thing. Religion is still considered a virtuous path to take through life but that is a rapidly withering convention. Millenials are changing that as a natural collateral fall-out effect of advancing technologies that do not touch on or otherwise associate man with theism. Only the live human voice does that and millenials have distanced themselves from that by escaping the conventional social chores of such previously prescribed acceptable public behavior. Cell phones and other forms of social faceless contact have divested young people of those obligations. They remain reclusive to the ways of theism and consider themselves normal with no need for titles such as atheists.

I propose that in a few generation's time religion will have lost its control over the western world as a natural state of change in mankind towards more salient matters of reality within its control rather than being under an imagined control. Today's religious recluse (aka atheist) will be tomorrows everyday pedestrian way of life.

Flamenca's picture
Hi, bmitch, and welcome.

Hi, bmitch, and welcome.

There are some usual terrible misconceptions about atheists, such as being people with no moral compass. If you do some reseach into this forum, you'll find several threads on issues like this.

Difficulties depends on your environment. In some countries, you face death penalty for admitting your lack of faith. I live in a Westernized society, so I have experienced mockery, some condescendence and, at worse, some contempt, but nothing truly harmful. I don't preach about my lack of belief except to my closest people, in this forum, and whenever I'm directly confronted.


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