Hi, this may seem silly to some but I am writing a paper for my communications class about diversity. We have to basically write a paper about being in someone else shoes and I was assigned to research and write about being an Atheist. I know very little about it and would like to learn more; such as difficulties you face with how people respond to you being an Atheist, how maybe your families dealt with it if they believe differently than you, how people treat you before and after they find out how you believe. I grew up in a very religious family and was very sheltered until I came to college and now have to freedom to explore many different things and only wish to learn more about the world and now also have the opportunity to write about it and wish to do right. Thank you.
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Asked and answered many times on this forum.
I bet you are at a religious school that poses as a university...but isn't. Maybe you are one of the hundreds sent here from time to time just to harass atheist by youth ministers or some church asshole.
So I have a few questions for you. Not being a grammar NAZI...BUT... haven't you learned that there is no word as "till"? There is "until" or " 'till" but no "till". A college student that has endless papers to write no matter their major would know that.
Also, what school are you attending (if any)?
How old are you?
If you have a major, what is it?
Mmm, beg to differ there, mykob4. 'Till' is old-fashioned English synonym for a cash register, and it's also a verb meaning 'to plough'.
I agree. Although "until" seems to be preferred in formal writing, "till" is a good old word still in common use in the meaning of "until."
"All days are nights to see till I see thee" (Shakespeare, Sonnet 18)
I'm sorry if I offend you but I really am a college student. I go to Texas State University and I'm an 18 year old freshman and I don't have a major at this point. I'm not on here to harass anyone. I am really on here to learn about someone else view point on a subject.
Well TSU isn't a religious school although they have a plethora of religious organizations on campus and no atheist organizations.
You have to understand that atheists are as diverse as any other demographic. The only difference in an atheist and a non-atheist is that an atheist just doesn't believe in or worship a god. that is pretty much it. For this little difference, an atheist can expect to be shunned and or ridiculed by the majority, which we endure.
I was very aware of the religious groups on campus but not aware that there were not any atheists ones. Its shameful to think that because someone thinks differently that should be shunned. I would like to think I am open minded about everything thats different, isn't that the point of college? To experience new things and to be challenged on what we believe.
Greta Christina has written quite a bit about this subject. Google her...
Thank you I will look her up.
As an atheist, I think you theists are nuts. Just like I think people who believe in fairies or unicorns are nuts. The bottom line for me is the time to believe in gods is when there is proof that they exist
Welcome to the forum, Bmitch. Perhaps you could start the ball rolling by telling us where you stand on religion.
Thank you! I am actually very glad I went ahead and joined. My stand point on religion I guess you could say is not my own. I have been brought up in the church and never really cared for it. I have had preachers tell me I've needed to do more good deeds or what have you. I've also had people say that because I was so young I wasn't "saved". I really can't say that I have had a good relationship with any type of religion. However, my step-dad is a preacher..... and my mom is very religious so any kind of talk about if there is a god or not is not very welcome dinner conversation. In all honesty I don't know if I believe in anything because of all the hurting going on in the world and how I am also looked down upon in the family because I believe in some forms of evolution, if that answers the question at all.
bmitch, you said, "I am also looked down upon in the family because I believe in some forms of evolution..."
How does that make you feel?
I would guess that it is similar to how some folks who are identified as atheist feel when treated with derision by theists. We are all outsiders from time to time.
Consider this when writing your paper.
it makes me feel extremely frustrated because I'm also shut down very fast when I talk about anything outside of the Christian belief system. People that call themselves christian ae some of the most judgmental people that I know even though it says don't judge in the Bible... And I will consider it good point.
Ah, honey, there are judgmental folk of every stripe. The trick is to remember that everyone else comes and goes but you're always there. So be true to yourself. In the end, that will serve you well.
Thank you that means a lot. its funny that in a group of strangers it can sometimes be easier to be yourself than around those closest to you.
@bmitch: "In all honesty I don't know if I believe in anything because of all the hurting going on in the world"
The religious stance on the problem of evil is to blame everything on original sin and man's rebellion against god. As an atheist, I'm more likely to look for answers in the prejudiced and tribalistic attitudes engendered by religion.
What do you mean by "some forms of evolution." Are there some aspects of the theory that you don't accept? It sounds like your family have creationist beliefs.
Given your age and situation, my advice to you would be to keep listening, looking, reading, learning, and thinking, but to be very gentle when trying to share your thoughts and doubts. The love of a family is far more important than atheism or christianity.
When I a talk about the hurting in the world I'm referring to the hurting children that are getting raped and beaten and starving. If there was some kind of merciful god why does he allow children to suffer like they do or to be born into such horrible lives to only die so young.
@bmitch: "hurting children that are getting raped and beaten and starving"
I agree. Of all the evils in the world, I think hurting children is the worst. Not only does god not prevent it, his so-called representatives are among the worst offenders. As an atheist, I'm certain that these problems will never get any better if we wait for gods and their churches/mosques to fix them.
1st I AM an atheist. I would like to take a position of being a believer with this particular question in your life so bear with me if you will.
1) "I have had preachers tell me I've needed to do more good deeds or what have you." No one is admitted into heaven on deeds. There is nothing you can do in the mortal world that guarantees you entry.
2) " I've also had people say that because I was so young I wasn't "saved". You are saved the moment you are baptized. That is the purpose of being baptized. It means that your soul is cleansed and that you accept god as your master and creator and jesus as your savior.
Now back to my atheist self.
Your confusion is natural. No one here, least of all me, will try or feel obligated to convert you. The choice is yours. You must base your decision on what you think is right.
I'm sorry, but I have say that I think it's a bad attitude to descend to the level of name-calling.. As logical thinkers, we shouldn't be indulging in such childish pastimes. In my view, Theists are not crazy - they're misguided. Let THEM do the name-calling - they're good at that. Let us think and talk responsibly and logically, because we're better at that than they are.
@Keith Raye
We have a mod here on the forum. MCD just said what he thinks. Maybe you should just police yourself. Since you definitely don't want advice don't feel obligated to give it...comprnde`?
Again mykob4 there's a great deal I could say. But I'm just not going to get drawn into it. If you can't see the blatant hypocrisy in that statement I am not going to be the one to point it out to you.
Oh I see the hypocrisy Keith but do you?
They sound crazy but their belief is conditioned learning.
I get you state you are only 18 and a freshman in college, but you could do much better formating of the questions you have, I did a tiny bit of work for you:
Your questions:
1. Difficulties you face with how people respond to you being an Atheist.
2. How maybe your families dealt with it if they believe differently than you.
3. How people treat you before and after they find out how you believe.
My answers:
1. Very little difficulty, I keep atheism mostly to myself unless I know someone well enough that they will respond in a decent adult manner. I share my atheist view on boards and other anonymous discussion areas like this one. Anonymity means zero difficulties faced when sharing my atheism in this way.
2. My mother is pretty much atheist, so are my siblings. My father is religious but never really brought it up or pressed the issue. Extended family has quite a few theist, some strong theist, one family member is actually a priest. We just do not talk about it when I see them, and they do not really know beyond the "I am obviously not very actively religious like most people my age in this country are not active."
3. Have not really noticed people treating me differently, few people know me in real life outside close family and friends that I am atheist, they just may pick up on that I do not talk or participate in religion much. Many workplaces and social gatherings I take part in have a "polite" not talk about religion or politics rule, so we all get along better. Works well for me, its almost like everyone practices being an atheist in this "unsaid" society rule.
Thank you and yes I know I could have done much better job at formatting it. I was extremely nervous writing this or even thinking to ask y'all on here and my mind was also on other classes.
Well said, Logic. What you say comes back to the point that we Atheists don't have anything to prove, or evangelise about. Because If we did, we'd be arguing about nothing, wouldn't we? Besides, we are far more likely to be comfortable with what we believe than any evangelist who runs around wearing a hair shirt. They evangelise precisely because they AREN'T comfortable with their beliefs, so they are reduced to seeking constant assurance by trying to 'convert' people. It doesn't work though, so they just go on doing it -like the primitives who believed that, when their rain god didn't answer their prayers for water, they reasoned that it was because they hadn't sacrificed enough virgins so, they'd raid a neighbouring tribe to get some more. It's a closed-loop belief system. Until you run out of virgins, anyways. And maybe the theists WILL run out of virgins one day.
Yep. Atheist have nothing to prove, especially when the other side has no proof either. At the core of why dismiss any idea is lack of proof for the idea.
I dismiss you have 3 fully functioning arms, because there is zero proof presented that you do have 3 arms. I can easily, w/o proof say I believe you do not have 3 fully functioning arms. In the absence of proof/evidence/testing etc, the negative of the idea takes precedence. To not do so would literally be insanity.
Absence of evidence where there should be evidence, IS evidence of absence.
ie. If you believe that you have 2 arms but 1 has been amputated (phantom limb syndrome) & I can establish that in fact you only have 1 arm - then the absence of your other arm IS evidence that indeed (contrary to what you believe) that you only have 1 arm.
If you believe that god exists, then there should be evidence where you would expect to find it. In the absence of that evidence - god does not exist.
That is a good point.
I am/was talking about ideas or concepts. The idea/concept that someone has 3 arms, I can dismiss such an idea of a person having 3 fully formed functioning arms as an idea because the idea lacks evidence.
I am utilizing the logical tool of: "ideas/concepts presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
It would be insane to endeavor to "prove" every idea/concept incorrect because: ideas/concepts w/o evidence are unlimited in number.
Many theist will say there is evidence of their god, but it turns out those pieces of "evidence" lack evidence they are even evidence!