Islam is true, read and prove me wrong.

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abdrauf786's picture
Islam is true, read and prove me wrong.

answer me these

Quran never asked to attack on anyone except in the case of self defense ,you have to read the verse before and after the verse to understand full meaning

Why would prophet muhammed risk his religion on such silly signs and most of the signs of qiyamah(last day) is happening right infront of our eyes ,
eg : euphrates river drying up, arab's tall building race

Christian and Islamic Eschatology are almost same , doesnt it prove anything ? christians were just mislead from truth

Semen emerging between ribs and spine , read this ( )

Muslims doesnt oppose evolutionary theory , but the first homo sapien was adam ( )

Many people are saying Prophet Muhammed(PBUH) Plagiarized greek,roman,egypt knowledge and also bible, torah etc..Mohammed was illetarate how can he plagiarize then ?? Answer me

and one last thing .

babies are born with certain instinct ( like sucking nipples, grasoing hands) if is no god , who taught them to do this ??

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Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
.................... none of
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Islam is true, read and
abdrauf786's picture
So you admit that islam
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Did Muhammad Exist? A
chimp3's picture
Quran (9:5) - "So when the
ThePragmatic's picture
abdrauf786's picture
Haha seriously ?
abdrauf786's picture
Haha seriously ?
ThePragmatic's picture
You didn't read the article I
ThePragmatic's picture
abdrauf786's picture
Do you know islam is the
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Abdul Rauf Bin Jamal
abdrauf786's picture
Islam is growing fast, a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Abdul, has Islam got to your
abdrauf786's picture
Wow , seriously ? Making fun
Stu. K.'s picture
Wow, seriously? Asking
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
@ Abdul
Nyarlathotep's picture
Imagine going back in time to
chimp3's picture
9:1 Freedom from obligation
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Give tidings (O Muhammad) of
watchman's picture
Cypher's picture
You have to wonder why
abdrauf786's picture
You all are going to be fuel
Tracy245's picture
Yes exactly. Allah is the one
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Abdul Rauf Bin Jamal
watchman's picture
@ Abdul Rauf Bin Jamal .....
Stu. K.'s picture
**Even if** he was real, he
abdrauf786's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
Why can't you just answer the
CyberLN's picture


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