I would like 1 decent chat with an atheist without being kicked out
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Go outside, then look up at the sun. Is it not "roundness"? And it has been that way for over 4.5Ga.
I'm done chatting with you man. I really don't know where all the anger is coming from... but I've probably hurt your ego somewhere.
sure... whatever
You ain't hurt my ego anywhere. I know the Qu'ran well enough to know that Islam which upon it is nothing more than bunch bullshit lies that cannot be proven.
And Islam has become the worst of the worst. Just look around you child.
And you can try to ignore all you want. Won't bother me any. It will bother you though since I won't shut the fuck up about the most violent, perverted, homicidal religion in existence in today's society.
Also, before you start ignoring me, at least read this...
Not only am I an Atheist.
I am also an Anti-Theist.
And an Anti-Religionist.
And I am a Soul Haunter.
I publicly argue passionately against any religion.
I publicly question any religion
I publicly laugh at any religion.
I publicly resist any religion.
I publicly shame any religion.
I publicly defile any religion.
Why? Because I believe in something too.
There is no philosophical ideology more divisive than religion. Religion does nothing but pervert, demoralize, subvert, and bribe all persons with the belief that it possesses the one and only truth. And, the worst part of ANY religion is that it is an ideology that is implicitly and explicitly protected from any and all criticism from both within and without. Why should any ideology, especially religion, be so privileged? Can you not see how disastrous this way of thinking can be, and is?
I believe religion is, and has always been, tremendously harmful to Humanity. I believe that religions, and their way of thinking, and their theological disagreements, have created the greatest violence, destruction, injury, death, bigotry, harm, immorality, intolerance, wickedness, and abuse to the human species than any other cause. The main problem is not religious fundamentalism, but the fundamentals of religion. Religion’s loose version of “morality,” has NO place in a civilized society.
Sure. You can argue that it is the extremists, not the doctrine. All this says to me is that you have never truly read the various doctrines. It is both. Extremists might be using it as an excuse, but it is an excuse that the religious texts readily provide. I firmly believe, and shall take this belief to my grave, that the human species would have been much better off had there NEVER been ANY form of religion.
I see NO evidence of ANY gods, but plenty of evidence of religion’s harm.
And I am a lot more concerned with the welfare of my fellow human beings than I am about “offending” or “hurting the feelings” of people who choose to believe in the faerie tales of an obsolete, irrelevant, barbaric, savage, offensive, and unsubstantiated, immoral Bronze and Iron Age religious texts about an imaginative Sky Faerie.
Offended? So the fuck what!
Ultimately, it is Religion that is Humankind’s worst enemy.
Your Absolutist religions have...
Murdered, Raped, Tortured, Lied, Extorted, Sacrificed, Ravaged, Swindled, Exploited, Plundered, Abused, Coerced, Pillaged, Tormented, Harassed, Rampaged, Insulted, Endangered, Threatened, Oppressed, Persecuted, Committed Ethnic Cleansing, Terrorized, Mutilated Genitalia, Enslaved, Molested and Raped Children, Corrupted, Committed Genocidal Cleansing
...in the name of God for centuries around the world to spread such a theological message.
But I am the one going to Hell for not believing in this nonsense?
Time to go back to mommy and daddy and tell them the mean atheist spanked your ass.
Finally... sentences that make sense... so I did strike a nerve ending.
To each his own
@ Mo
Are you just being obtuse and stupid on purpose? Or is just natural for you?
You did not strike a nerve. What you saw in my post above was written YEARS before you ever itched your daddy's loins little child.
The only nerve you have struck is just being a Religious Absolutist.
@Arakish Re: Mo
Hey, buddy. Mo is (was) actually a troll. Pretty sure I saw that he has been banished into the Netherworld. A bit of a shame, too. I was just getting warmed up... *chuckle*...
Before we can talk about the Quran you have to provide objective evidence your god is real.
God will not show Himself even if the entire planet turns atheist. He explains that there will be a time for that. So for me to get you a picture of God... you can completely forget about it. I lose in that conversation.
But showing that he has the knowledge of everything and has it written in a book, I could do that... THAT is my proof.
You believe stupid scientific crap like a Big Bang when they have no proof of it. Be rational!
@ Mohumper
So what you are saying is that your Sky Faerie will never show himself unless every last person on Earth believes in it. No wonder Islam is not a religion of peace. If this the entire premise of Islam, then only way you can make all persons believe in your lies is to kill those who shall never convert. Islam peaceful? BULLSHIT! You sorry shit of a liar. In fact, due to this ultimate presupposition, you shall lose ALL arguments against us atheists.
I have yet to see any proof. All I have seen coming from you is a bunch of bullshit lies. If all you want is the accolages of fellow muslim liars, why did you come to an atheist site? Stupid? Or, just naturally mentally retarded?
We are rational. It is you who is being irrational. You ask us to translate an arabic word which means "conglomerate" and expect us to believe it means the sun is round? As said in a previous post. How long has "the roundness of the sun" been noticed? One or two million years? At least.
Kiss my ass man... It's not my fault you are ignorant
Wait, I'll make you suck on your little thumb
That's one way to completely debunk an argument. Sulk away with your thumb up your ass.
fucking retard
Are you saying that Allah is an incompetent creator?
All you have is subjective evidence from your mind that your god is real.
The Quran is the claim, not the evidence.
I must apply xenoview's razor to your claims that a god exist.
Xenoview's razor
Objective claims requires objective evidence
Lets refrain from the name calling for a sec. and have an educated discussion if you please.
If the Quran made a claim for something that nobody knew until modern time, isn't that evidence of knowledge?
The Quran did not have its meanings explained even by the Prophet himself, it was left for humanity to study. I am one of these students. If the Quran was false, I would've been the first to call it a lie. Surprisingly for me, I found only knowledge. I was no different than you for a period of time, looking for truth... and BOOM, I stumbled on the Quran.
Truthfully speaking, there is no difference between you and Islamic scholars except the fact that you want things to be on your terms. The science I am offering you for FREE is neglected by Islamic scholars because they are science illiterate, they want it to be stories of history and beauty of language. You refuse it because you are science literate (maybe) and believe that a scientist wont tell a lie. But have spoken to renowned scientists world wide about my findings, and they stick to their words like glue which makes them liars.
What would happen to a scientist's study if he found out that most of what he studied is based on FALSE? I believe ciaos.
You're nothing but a small fry I'm trying to pass my 100% scientific knowledge to in hopes to reach a larger audience that is well educated so we can actually fix anything that needs fixing. Explaining the position of the earth to sun or the number of days or the creation of a nebula whether it be planetary Dark Hii or a supernova does not hurt society in any way unless it is wrong. I'm fixing not destroying.
I'm not waiting for you to get on your knees to pray to a God, I personally know that a God exists and that is my business.
So when are you going to get down to science? So far you have offered very vague descriptions, and that is definitely not science.
I had no problem shredding your Carina nebula story. How about something a little less fanciful?
If only you kept it just your business. But here you are, on an atheist debate board trying to debate your god idea is real. Even that I would not have too much problem with, except your god ideas do not live in an exclusionary bubble, it affects other people sometimes greatly. Plenty of examples even here on these boards of people fleeing religious persecution, and certain parts of islam can be especially brutal to those that do not believe exactly as they do. Essentially many religious people whether knowingly or not, force their unevidenced opinions on others. How would you feel if we forced atheist position on to you? Imagine if you were in a country where atheist people were the majority and they persecuted religious believers to the point that some atheist people would kill people (and face no consequences for it) people that did not think like them, (atheist.)
▮ I am an atheist that always likes a good debate. ▮
▮ Please include @LogicFTW in responses directed to me. ▮
▮ Useful list on forum usage. A.R. Member since 2016. ▮
"If the Quran made a claim for something that nobody knew until modern time, isn't that evidence of knowledge?"
Humans are capable of objectively examining their reality, and forming explanations about it. It's pure assumption to leap from there to an entirely unevidenced supernatural deity. It is also axiomatic that no book can validate it's own claims, so the "evidence" can't be viewed as entirely objective. To put it bluntly it's a well evidenced fact that religious people make up lies to promote their beliefs, by accident sometimes, but also with deliberate duplicity.
If your holy book is so profound, and inerrant, why do Muslims around the world spend so much time and energy suppressing any criticism of it?
"I personally know that a God exists and that is my business."
The problem is that until you can demonstrate objective evidence, your claim is no different to you claiming you "know" Zeus or unicorns are real. Do you know how theists and deists who all believe in very different gods pass through here almost daily claiming esoteric knowledge for the validity of their own beliefs that they can demonstrate no evidence for? Go read rat spit's posts or Great Hope's, or that idiot creationist troll in the thread about nature not creating codes.
"You're nothing but a small fry I'm trying to pass my 100% scientific knowledge to in hopes to reach a larger audience that is well educated so we can actually fix anything that needs fixing."
There is no scientific evidence for a deity, none, and again this is axiomatic. Your arrogant condescension is risible though, coming after such an obviously asinine claim. Try reading the dictionary definition of science, that would be a good start and all you would need to know science is anathema to all supernatural, and unfalsifiable claims.
Why is that priests are able to expose themselves to their flock, but God is not able to expose himself to atheists?
@Sapporo Re: "Why is that priests are able to expose themselves to their flock, but God is not able to expose himself to atheists?"
Hmmm.... Wonder if Ray Stevens could be convinced to give this a bit of a Catholic theme "spin"?...
"You believe stupid scientific crap like a Big Bang when they have no proof of it. Be rational!"
This statement displays just how ignorant you are in cosmology. The rapid expansion has been proven, and not just by mathematics.
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson won the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering the cosmic microwave background. The math behind the rapid expansion predicted this phenomena, and it was discovered.
Don't pretend you know science and don't make such stupid assertions because such actions display your gross ignorance and stupidity.
Hello men.
Hmmm.. Knowledge you say, yeah??
Let me pull you closer to earth here
16:79 “Do they not look at The birds, held poised In the midst of (the air And) the sky? Nothing Holds them up but (the power Of) Allah. Verily in this Are Signs for those who believe.”
Apparently your all-knowing didn’t really understand the mechanism of flying.
But nooooo... every single bird you see flying, your god is holding it up! I liked birds, now your book changed my mind... what lazy, users and abusers creatures! Lol
Back to your: “But showing that he has the knowledge of everything and has it written in a book, I could do that... THAT is my proof.“
I’m doing the same here... THAT is my proof that you choose whatever you want to backup arguments, I completely ignore sections that don’t.
So weak!
(and please don’t say ‘there are a bunch of comments after this you didn’t read, I guess not...bla bla’ - no I didn’t. Bye)
Attach Image/Video?:
So the fuck what?
You may as well post a picture of a pile of horse shit as far as having any impact on me.
What brand of toilet paper is that?
May I ask, What does the Quran say in regards to the following:
How did humans come to be?
How did the earth form?
How did the universe 'begin'?
What was the first physical effect that came from a non natural (supernatural) source?