I would like 1 decent chat with an atheist without being kicked out

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A.prophet's picture
I would like 1 decent chat with an atheist without being kicked out

Assalamu Alaykum everyone (atheist and non-atheist)

I really love my religion and I protect it dearly with accurate scientific facts. I have had many many conversations with atheists and I have no beef with any of them except the ones that cuss when they lose the conversation battle.
Normally, the conversation ends before it begins because of the examples I give in my first post and I believe it is due to the atheist losing his/her trust among his fellow non-believers or the money he/she makes from his/her website or group.

I wanna refrain from giving an example but there will be no conversation to begin with if i do that... so here it goes.


I the Quran ch. 81:1 the verse states "If the sun becomes spherical"
- someone will open up the English translations to the Quran and say that the verse doesn't say that, but the translation is wrong, I'm an Arab and I know my language. Open google translate and paste this word كورت to know its translation. Then check the Arabic text to see if I have made any changes to it... Nope. Therefore the verse is saying exactly what I said in the beginning.

Now paste this NASA link:

It explains that the sun indeed isn't spherical

That article was written in 2008... the Quran was written about 1440 years ago

so the question is........... in 2008 the discovery was made using high tech equipment, how was it in the Quran?

*** this question is just a teaser

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Sapporo's picture
I guess Zeus must exist
A.prophet's picture
That isn't an answer man!
Sapporo's picture
Mohamed: That isn't an answer
A.prophet's picture
Why should I even try to do
Sapporo's picture
Mohamed: Why should I even
Tin-Man's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
A.prophet's picture
Your starting a different
Sky Pilot's picture
A.prophet's picture
CyberLN's picture
It seems there are a number
A.prophet's picture
Sapporo's picture
Mohamed: Nope
A.prophet's picture
Is the Quran about atoms?
Sapporo's picture
Mohamed: Is the Quran about
A.prophet's picture
You're interesting


Attach Image/Video?: 

Sapporo's picture
Mohamed: ok then... jumping
David Killens's picture
CyberLN's picture
You wrote, “they took the
A.prophet's picture
The Arabic translation for
CyberLN's picture
You wrote, “* Arabic words
A.prophet's picture
What if I say yes?
CyberLN's picture
Well, that’s a decidedly
A.prophet's picture
CyberLN's picture
Mohamed, please provide data
A.prophet's picture
In the beginning of my
CyberLN's picture
“That should be sufficient
A.prophet's picture
" You have made quite a
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
The odorous stench of an
arakish's picture
Mohumped: "I ask you to copy


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