God is real

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AJ777's picture
The truth of God’s existence
Sheldon's picture
"The truth of God’s existence
AJ777's picture
Sheldon, if you don’t believe
Sheldon's picture
"Sheldon, if you don’t
AJ777's picture
What proper evidence would
Sheldon's picture
"What proper evidence would
AJ777's picture
It’s not for you to say what
Burn Your Bible's picture
AJ777's picture
Maybe he has given you enough
algebe's picture
@AJ777: "If he doesn’t exist,
Burn Your Bible's picture
if he is the all powerful
AJ777's picture
Burny, if God exists he
Burn Your Bible's picture
Not true if is real he
AJ777's picture
How it possible to do that
Burn Your Bible's picture
Well if your god lives out of
Sheldon's picture
"How it possible to do that
AJ777's picture
My understanding of miracles
Sheldon's picture
"God can do that which is
AJ777's picture
If the first verse in the
Sheldon's picture
"How it possible to do that
Sheldon's picture
"Burny, if God exists he
AJ777's picture
Sheldon's picture
"Maybe he has given you
Sheldon's picture
"It’s not for you to say what
AJ777's picture
Hey Sheldon, sorry not
Sheldon's picture
"In what way are these
MCDennis's picture
We don't know that gods are
Closet_atheist's picture
AJ777's picture
Hey Closet, I have read on
defenseless tortoise's picture
Question for @AJ777


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