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dragoncat's picture
Well in response I'd ask you,

Well in response I'd ask you, why do some Christians hate atheists? Why do some Christians ridicule atheists' beliefs or lack of belief?

Eshwaren Manoharen's picture
CyberLN's picture


jamiebgood1's picture

That was so good.:) thanx

Matthew Kristian Jensen's picture
I couldn't say any better

I couldn't say any better than what Steven Doolittle said. Of course not all of us hate religious people. I wouldn't be surprised if most of us didn't, but as a qualifier, I'll say many don't. As for myself, I'm dating a devout protestant, so I'm obviously not hateful of them. But it's important to realise that religious ideas are no more immune to criticism than any other philosophy. Sometimes, this criticism comes in the form of ridicule, though typically in the form of debate. I can say something about capitalism or the American Republican party and get relatively tame feedback, but the moment religion is brought up, the conversation takes a darker tone. So basically, ridicule of so-called "sacred" ideas should be normalised so we can have an actual conversation.

Melvin Long's picture
I signed up as a non-atheist

I signed up as a non-atheist as I've been studying Buddhism for the last several years. I was raised in the United Church of Canada which I found to be very free and non-demanding. My parents belonged to the Masons and Eastern Star and were really free thinkers. A while ago I heard that the United Church in Ontario has hired an Atheist as a minister. They said it was so they could get a view of them and see that they knew love too. It's quite surprising to me that they did this, but like I say, it's a very free religion. There's a book written by one that's called 'Maybe (Maybe Not) - Second Thoughts from a Secret Life. It was a long time ago that I read it, but it seems it starts out by saying that the Bible originally started out with the saying Maybe, Maybe Not, and I always thought it meant to think when you read it. I was quite happy with the thinking (though it might have been just me) due to all the crap that's in the Bible. I'll have to read it again to make sure what I thought 45 years ago is right, but I've been kind of taken away from Christianity with all the shit that religion causes (though most of the trouble comes from radicals). I was raised in a Mormon community and didn't really appreciate them - they had the majority in the school and I always felt like an outsider. I had Mormon friends that used to drink and do drugs with me and they were very good friends, and I love seeing them when I do. They're quite well known as a cult and dwell on making money and getting new members. I've heard that they never mention Jesus in their sermons and don't have him hanging from the cross anywhere. All I know is their funerals last forever and you hear speakers saying how much they loved and appreciated the dead people that they hated when they were living. It all seem so phony to me. When I was indoctrinated into my church I had to say that I'd given my soul to Jesus or something, and I made my minister cry when I told him that I didn't mean it. I recently took a Udemy course called The Power of Vulnerability by Brene' Brown. She says in it that love and belonging are irreducible things. I think that most people attend church to have these things, and most don't really care how much truth is in the sermons. It's very hard to drag them away from it. I know I did find some meaning in the sermons once in a while, but I was always looking for something that dealt more with reality, and that's what I found in Buddhism - Zen at any rate - don't know what the other sects teach. I wore the tapes 'Waking up in the Present' out, and now I have the ebook. My thoughts are that I don't actually care if there's a God or there was a Jesus. I just want to have the best life I can.

Tom King's picture
"And also, why some Atheists

"And also, why some Atheists mock, make fun of, and ridicule my beliefs?"

First of all, I would explain that as with anything imaginary it gets a bit embarrassing the older you get. We all believe in santa and the tooth fairy when we are kids but as we grow up some of us go down the path of logic and reason and scientific fact. Others, like yourself, decide to keep believing in the impossible, improbable, and the, dare I say it, batshit crazy.

Had no one ever told you at an early age there was a god, and the first time you heard about it was as a 25 year old who had spent their life adhering to logic and reason, you would laugh at the possibility of an invisible man hiding in the sky and ridicule the person trying to make you believe it. It's all mental, the concept of it and the practice of it.

Religion is a money making, tax dodging machine which hinders progress and is responsible for more deaths than aids and anyone who believes in it should be kept away from the rest of us cos they are fucking mental.

xenoview's picture
Necromancy at work.

Necromancy at work.

coreyeliz's picture
This comment and the

This comment and the questions asked in it strike me as odd. If you are intellectually curious enough to wonder why some atheists mock or belittle your beliefs then you must also be intellectually curious enough to have noticed that believers of other faiths mock your beliefs and people of your faith mock the rest of us. The greater question would probably be why do people seek to put themselves and others into such distinguishable groups of in and out, same and other.

To be perfectly honest, I don't care at all that you believe in Jesus. If it makes you happy, good for you. I only begin to care when a belief in Jesus means denying science that keeps humans safe and when it means ostracizing and harming others, as is so often the case. When believing in Jesus means trying to actually follow the example of Christ (which I find to be the minority of people) then I'm all for it.

Andrew Jackson's picture
"So, I would like to know

"So, I would like to know what you guys think about people like myself who believe in Jesus Christ. I would like to know why some Athiests seem to hate followers of Jesus. (Not saying everyone feels this way). And also, why some Atheists mock, make fun of, and ridicule my beliefs?"

First answer - I don't hate you, nor have I met any atheists who "hate" "followers of Jesus". I/They, however, may be angry at some of those "followers" for their insistence on laws that allow a "special status" for their beliefs - laws to teach Christianity and the evangelical lies and untruths about creation to children, laws that allow Christians rights to discriminate, etc. We get angry about the self-righteous behaviour of those "followers" who use such passive-aggressive B.S. as "I'll pray for you". We get angry that we are demonized by those "followers" for simply finding their beliefs ridiculous and unworthy of our time.

And that leads to my second answer - beliefs should always be challenged. I'm not disrespecting you by mocking your beliefs, because you are not your beliefs. Beliefs do not deserve respect, people do, but respect is still earned.
We must mock and challenge beliefs because failure to do so can lead to some very unfortunate and damaging happenings as a result.
Witness the beliefs of the KKK - should we respect them, or is it okay to mock them?
What about Nazi beliefs? Mock or respect?

Your beliefs are, to many of us, (sorry to say) ridiculous. They require a complete separation from reality and a willingness to believe something without any evidence, and evidence is something on which most of us insist. You rely on nothing more than a book and a feeling to guide you, because there is absolutely no evidence of a god. Now, you can argue that nature is evidence of a god, but it really isn't. Nothing in our world requires anything supernatural to explain it, and the claims in the bible are easily disproven.
Now, let me ask you some questions:
1. Why do you believe?
2. Do you believe in the biblical account of creation or do you accept the fact of evolution?

James Robert Harrison IV's picture
I respect those who have

I respect those who have religious beliefs as I too used to be a firm believer in Christ. But I read the entire bible after a life threatening crash and divorce and I couldn't find enough love to fill up a thimble.


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James Robert Harrison IV's picture
I respect those who have

I respect those who have religious beliefs as I too used to be a firm believer in Christ. But I read the entire bible after a life threatening crash and divorce and I couldn't find enough love to fill up a thimble.


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Matthew Fulton's picture
Now, you can have your

Now, you can have your beliefs as a Christian in any branch, and I won't care. Sure, I'll think you're a bit like a sheep for following the church, but it's your choice, not mine.

But it's when religious people start to try and force the religion on athiests, and curse us, that we get annoyed. We don't interfere with your beliefs, so why do you try to interfere with ours?

So, as a summary; you can be Christian and I don't mind. But if you force it on me, I will have a problem with you

Marco Emilio Giovanni Maltese's picture
Your only problem, Jj, like

Your only problem, Jj, like anyone else believer in any religion, is ignorance.
If you only knew how the bible has been created, assembled, by distorting historical facts (verifiable through other historians texts), deleting other historical facts and historians' books (verifiable, we have texts from other historians who said these books existed), and how the christian religion has been ENFORCED WITH UNBELIEVABLE VIOLENCE both in Roman Empire times but even worse during the Dark Ages, you wouldn't be a believer.
I don't contest a belief in "a god": I don't want to say I have a sure answer about if a god exists or not, and I think nobody can say it at this point, yet.
What I contest is that each and any religion in the world is a false, coming from paganism and copied from other religions.
So to make it short, Jj, you believe only because you don't really know in what you believe.
Jesus never existed.
Yeowah is an invention.
The whole story of the profet born from a virgin is much older than christianism, which only COPIED a myth of a guy that was called Yeszeuz Christna (notice any resemblance?).
Get your information, find books written by HISTORIANS that gave their life to study HISTORY and THE BIBLE, to find THE TRUTH about how it was conceived and assembled. Only then you will know in what you are believing. You are being brutally scammed by Vatican pedophiles who make huge amounts of money out of this scam.

MattLansell's picture
Hi JJ, and welcome.

Hi JJ, and welcome.

You ask "what you guys think about people like myself who believe in Jesus Christ. I would like to know why some Athiests seem to hate followers of Jesus. (Not saying everyone feels this way). And also, why some Atheists mock, make fun of, and ridicule my beliefs?"

That's a fairly complex question so I'll break it down a bit. First up I don't claim to answer for all atheists - we're not a club - just for myself.

So what do I think of you as a person? You seem like a nice enough person, at least you seem to have manners which is more than I can say for many of your fellow religious followers that come on here, so there's a plus for you.

Why do atheists hate followers of jesus? Short answer, we don't, hate the followers, we hate the religion. FYI as far as most of us are concened there's no difference between followers of jesus, allah, buddha, brahma, zues, or quetzalcoatl... all your imaginary friends are the same to us. Now, a great many of us DO hate the religions you people like to follow because of the hatred, persecution, wars, greed, and so on you do in the name of whichever imaginary friend you believe in while proclaiming to be better than everyone else. I'm sure you'll counter with "but my religion is good, it does these good, charitable acts". Perhaps so, but does it do them "for people it deems worthy"? Does it withhold it's charity from people whose religion, politics, or sexuality it disagrees with? Does it perform these acts with the expectation that the recipients will listen to their proselytizing? And in the long run, if it is actually interested in DOING GOOD why does it need to be doing that IN THE NAME OF A CHUCH? Isn't it enough to do good in the name of good itself? Doesn't your bible actually speak AGAINST doing good in return for recognition? (It does, research it.)

Why do you we mock your beliefs? Because your beliefs are unfounded, disproven, ridiculous superstitions, because people whg follow them tend to demand equal time for their superstitions along with science, and because their followers often do harm and evil in the names of their various imaginary friends.

In return I have questions for you. What did you come here seeking? Are you attempting to find truth, or to convert us? Did you find what you were looking for?

Have a great day.

Michael Gill's picture
Hi Jj

Hi Jj

You make a number of assumptions. If you really are interested in philosophy, first you must teach yourself how to spot an assumption.

Looking for a discussion, you ask why we are here on this earth. You assume that because you ask a question, the question has an answer. But consider the possibility that the question you asked is a non question ... in that the question itself is meaningless and cannot be answered.

Let me give you an example: What is further north than the North Pole?

On the face of it, it seems reasonable. You travel north and if you are ignorant of the shape of the Earth, you can reasonably expect to keep traveling north. But once you know what you are asking, you know that if you keep traveling north in a straight line, you get to a point where you are suddenly traveling south ... or if you stand right on that spot and ask yourself, "what is north of here?", you will understand that what you are asking is a non-question.

It's important to note here that I'm not disparaging ignorance or the ignorant. It's usually not their fault and can be easily fixed (with the exception of the willfully ignorant - but that's another argument)

Why do you think "why are we here?" is a valid question?

As for respect of opinions. Some people have some pretty horrible opinions and I refuse to respect for the sake of it. I do not respect the opinions of, for example, those who mutilate their childrens' genitals merely because they believe in a very old book that has been translated / mistranslated dozens of times. You must earn respect.


onewire's picture

So, I would like to know what you guys think about people like myself who believe in Jesus Christ. I would like to know why some Athiests seem to hate followers of Jesus. (Not saying everyone feels this way). And also, why some Atheists mock, make fun of, and ridicule my *beliefs*?

Mike De Fleuriot's picture
Without using your scriptures

Without using your scriptures, could you show that gods of any sort can actually exist. This is the problem I have with theists, they make the assumption that gods are real and then jump directly to naming them and explaining what these gods demand and want of others. Remember the bible/Qur'an etc are the claims, the assumptions first and they have never been shown to be true.

Once you start to address this question, you will come to understand why atheists are. And if you come to address this question, then you are on the way to the dark side and will be welcomed by us.

Vincent Cavanagh's picture
I don't dislike the religious

I don't dislike the religious so much as I dislike the ideology. Teaching young children that if they fuck up they burn for eternity is tantamount to child abuse, and people have a tendency to hang onto things they learn early in life, so it's very difficult for most to develop new ideas about things like religion since it was ingrained at a young age.

As for the ridicule, well... that's not my thing, as I'm not looking to 'save' anyone or change any minds. Just imagine for a second that I wholeheartedly believed and was trying with all of my might to convince you that the Flying Spaghetti Monster was the one true god and that you needed to repent or burn.

To us, all of the existing 'gods' existence and power is just as ridiculous as the notion of the FSM.

As for respecting your views... well, I won't openly ridicule you, but I certainly don't respect your views, just like I don't respect the views of flat-earthers or Holocaust deniers.


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a3vido's picture
... they can put us on a

... they can put us on a deserted island with ample food and shelter. We can drink socially as much as you want and we'll talk about anything and everything. When you go off to pray, I'll give you your space.... but please never pray for me nor forgive; to pray unless you have proven psychic powers will be disingenuous. To forgive is condescending as what gauge deems you better than me and what gives you the knowledge that I can not be granted???
Other than that, we'd be OK.


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Daniel Dyer's picture
Well Jj I hope this sheds

Well Jj I hope this sheds some light without being hostile:

Firstly, ALL we Atheists want IS an intelligent discussion on the myriad of topics that are being studied by the most learned people on the planet. We desire answers to the great questions of our time through rigorous scientific analysis which shouldn't be hindered by the motivation of a decreased congregation. For centuries it was punishable by death to argue the egocentricism of europeans and the church in relation to the origin and position of the earth, the origin and evolution of our species, and the sociocultural standards of people based on race or gender of the time. (Imagine how much further advanced our civilization could be if science wasn't hindered by religion).

Secondly, hostility is met in kind and rarely is it found that a Christian has developed their relationship with "God" through love or peace. When I say this I do not mean that Christianity, true Christianity, is not founded in peace and love moreover that followers are gathered because of another motive: Fear. That fear that an eternity of suffering awaits or that you'll be ostracized by your family or community because you don't have some religious affiliation has reaped more followers than The Sermon on the Mount ever will. You can't successfully force peace and love with a gun to someone's head, that peace and love isn't on the terms of the person and is essentially a hostage situation; meaning a very large percentage of Christians have a grand scale type of Stockholm''s Syndrome. We try to question the "definitive" faith-based conclusions drawn by Christian "scholars" and we're met with cries of "Blasphemy!", "Devil Worshipper!", and "You're going to hell!" by one Christian group while another tries to explain you have to have faith and just accept a fable that can repeatedly be refuted by scientific research and experiments.

Thirdly, the text Christians hold so dear to themselves was a political ploy construed by Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicea...300 years after the life and death of Jesus. The persecution of early christians had started to become less and less popular so in a long period of legal measures Constantine and the part of Rome that didn't collapse repealed the outlawing of Christianity in the early 300s before it was eventually made the official religion of Rome 70 years later. They picked and chose what to put in the bible to make the religion look "good" and combined "pagan" holidays with Christian ones to make a cultural merge easier. Now today their are how many different sects of Christians? Remember the story of the Tower of Babel: where those faithful to God tried to build a tower to Him...think of Religion as the Tower built to bring people closer to "God", seems to have played out just as told.

 We haven't really touched the atrocities  inspired by "modern" Christianity: US Manifest Destiny...The Crusades...The Holocaust...The Spanish Inquisition...The Salem Witch Trials...The French Revolution...Witholding basic Civil Rights from Women and Humans Rights from People of Color...Shootings in Churches and Schools...The trail of blood left in the wake of such a "peaceful" religion would be funny if it wasn't so utterly horrible. Millions have perished in the Christian's quest for vengeance for the death of their Lord and persecution of their early followers. I find that quite ironic for a religion taught to turn the other cheek.

I talked about the Sermon on the Mount earlier, the new directions of Christ to his eventual followers. Luke Chapter 6 outlines this so lets break it down into just  parts: Luke 6:20-23 inspires hope to those suffering. Luke 6:24-26 advises those in positions to provide help to the less fortunate to do so. Luke 6:27-36 talks loving and forgiving your enemies as much as you do your family and mentions the all important golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself." Luke 6:37-42 discusses not judging others or thinking yourself above anyone and, bearing in mind the previous passage, that includes our enemies. Luke 6:43-49 talks about the fruits born out of your labors and that if you don't have a solid foundation and put valuable effort into your endeavors you shouldn't expect much success. Many of these qualities I only see shown between believers and withheld from those who remain skeptical.

When looking at politicians that talk about shunning refugees, withholding civil rights from people due to their race/economic status/sexual orientation, taking money from the poor and giving more benefits to the rich, waging socialcultural and military warfare on groups with non-Judeo or non-Koran based religious beliefs, and the constant judgement of people exercising their right to choose what they think is best for themselves along with the constant threat of removing those rights to make those choices...who are they using as their platform to disenfranchise and divide?

We find that it's egotistical to believe that all of existence revolves around this one simple ball that is microscopic in the grand scheme of the universe and that we shouldn't take advantage of the abilities we have to keep this planet in as good a condition as possible. Life may be a gift but that doesn't mean it was necessarily given to us by any being, and that in no way diminishes the value of the gift. Each teaching from all of history's theologians, philosophers, and scientists  as well as debates which have resulted in modern laws and rights have put our species in a state of constant cultural evolution to which no single person or government can claim sole responsibility. To me the most important part of the process is that we all have to work together in order to find equilibrium or we will remain in an eternal state of conflict.

The current hostilities between people with conservative values and those more liberal minded are the byproduct of centuries worth of propaganda that related non-Christian with communists, "demons", witchcraft, and the responsibility of ruining each following generation. How do you expect atheists to coexist with a group that constantly compares them to the greatest evils in existence? All Atheists ask for is to continue to explore the greatest questions of our existence and stop placing a cap on our efforts or accusing us of being the bane of existence.

I want to close with this, you have posed this question to a group for Atheists made up of Atheists. Any hostility you may see from our group is just as common as you would see hostility from certain Christian sects, but not nearly as violent or divisive. Inside jokes meant for other Atheists by Atheists reflect our experience with religious followers. We never go into debates with Christians trying to be hostile but we know where it's going to end up, with us being told we're sinners and that we're steering the world to hell, a conversational direction that hardly could ever end peacefully. Why does finding actual truth versus assuming a story told by very uneducated people thousands of years ago is truth?

Hope this clears up some stuff,

Recovering Catholic

Alex Summers's picture
So two parter here, first

So two parter here, first will be my personal subjective and anecdotal experience with believers. Then I'll drift into a complete generalization about most atheists I know, including myself. The reason for this is, well.. because our generalizations don't usually ever really give us a great indication as to WHY a bias is being made, or a behavior is happening. Sometimes we think the worst or best of larger groups, than we do of individuals. But what is really seems to be, is more of a grey area between the two extremes.

Hate is a strong word. I don't really "hate" people in general, so let's settle for dislike. As hate is my active state of ruining an individual, and never targeted at a group for fear of harming innocent people. I do dislike Christians in general, because of some very common things I run into with a larger majority of them. First and greatest I'd say is having been one, and living the abuse of thought. I was taught to conflate the ideas of truth and evidence with those of belief and faith. To look down upon "negative" emotions and to distance myself from them, such as hate, anger, jealousy, fear, etc. To accept a sacrifice for my wrong doings because my very creator would have nothing to do with me unless I allowed a third party to absolve me of them, instead of justly taking the punishment I was due. To preach this gospel to others under the condition that I was saving them, and that a great majority of others were not saved and would not live eternally. I was taught incorrect assumptions about science, and a vastly defiant history and archaeology that ran in conflict with reality.

Now then, in meeting a Christian, I don't assume they have ALL been through the same ringer. I start by assuming they are people, just like me, whose lives are usually governed by mundane principals such as wanting respect, and respecting others. Often times what will happen is, we will at some point be put into a position one or neither of us will feel comfortable with, and then asked to explain why it is we are uncomfortable. I find my dislike broaches at that very moment - when a person presents a "Christian" reason for their discomfort, instead of one grounded in reality. They use the Bible, doctrine, or just flat culture of their particular church as the reason behind their discomforted actions. And let's be honest, chances are a Christian is going to be far more discomforted in life than I am. Often times when probed, a Christian might stay silent, excuse themselves from the conversation, preach, engage in hostilities, or even rebuttals of being a victim. I personally find this behavior funny, because it is so childish. Here's the honest Christian, portraying themselves in a dishonest fashion, having not ever really adopted biases they profess, because they know just how out of sorts they really are. They are caught in a conundrum, of being told to do the "right thing" and yet knowing deep down, what they are doing, isn't really "right". If it was, it wouldn't feel so uncomfortable.

There's so many different circumstances you can take for an example. Be it expectations of modesty or language. Be it, being offered drugs at some party. Or even talking about the history and relevance of the Bible itself. Christians feel they HAVE to defend this utmost of purity, even if it goes against their own reasoning; Whereas an atheist can just as easily have the same result as a Christian - yet give their reasoning or even simply admit - "I don't know why I feel this way yet, maybe I'll think about it."

The very act of seeing someone so intractable in situations of pressure, who's otherwise so positive of the world and nature of everything around them, gives us Atheists this mirth, Many of us having been there, also realize what it is, and kind of at the same time feel sorry for it, even if we never meant to put you in that situation. We try as we might, to help you out by asking questions, getting to the bottom of it, maybe even lifting you up and helping you find your own reasons to stand on. But more often as not, it's seen as some form of attack. Then the accusations start. Suddenly, we "hate you." We "attack you" for questioning things. Or we're seen as "poking fun" for drawing up conclusions based on logical comparisons, facts or history.

In general, after awhile of seeing this happen time and time again, many of us (I'd almost say the great portion of the older Atheists) get jaded, sarcastic, and distance ourselves from believers. We have no want to explain it over and over again. We find solace in circles of science and wonders of the natural world. We facepalm the moment we see the Christians headline a California ban on conversion therapy, as a possibility of banning the Bible itself. And yes, we do make fun of it, because if we took it seriously we'd likely end up in the very war so many Christians are just hoping will happen, or think already has.

Personally, I'd rather stay the comedian - ever hopeful that you folks can turn it around.

Siabatto Marco's picture


I personally believe that your statement varies from case to case and atheist to atheist. I have no problem with religious people, until their beliefs start taking over their daily life’s. Me ex and her family were Christians, one summer they invite me to stay over with them under the condition that I go with them to church on Sundays. I agreed, but as an atheist I can’t always hide my dark sense of humor or unconscious mockery of religion. One night my ex comes into the guest bedroom crying, saying that her parents and her are worried about me and that I don’t believe in salvation. She insisted that I agree upon having sessions with her where she would show me how the love of Jesus could change my life, with only a week left of summer I agreed, and the moment I got home I called her to say that we were through.
I don’t need to believe in heaven or hell to be a good person, I don’t need to listen to Christian music to have a good time, I don’t need to follow a food schedule because of an interpretation of a book.
I don’t hate religious people like that. In fact, I pity them. If you really require to use an old book and interpretation of old stories as a moral and ethical compass, I really do feel pity for you.

Jennifer Neptune's picture
I don’t hate believers. I

I don’t hate believers. I hate what belief has done to society. The faith religious people put in a belief system with no factual foundation has been the source of more death than anything else in the history of humanity. Persecution of other religions just because some stupid book(s) say(s) the practitioners of other religions are wrong, heretic, false, infidels, and should therefore die is absurd.

There is zero hard evidence of some intelligent creator.

If we have a creator, who created them?

Where does it end?

Religion, to me, is refusing to be accountable for all the atrocities of humanity. Blame it on Satan, blame it on free will, blame it on god’s great plan and the fabric of the universe and this big tapestry being created.

Bullshit! Stand up and acknowledge that humans are filthy animals and the only way to further evolve as intelligent beings is to hold each other and all of humanity accountable for our actions toward each other. We do not need some religious book for this, we just need to treat each other respectfully and equally and with care.

Making laws based on some fictional book is absurd. Would you vote for someone who thinks we should be making laws based on Harry Potter?

I see most religious people as under-educated.

arakish's picture
Hey FnF, you faithlessly

Hey FnF, you faithlessly faithful heathen. ;-)

Welcome to our corner of the internet. Or as the Christians would put it, "Welcome to Hell."

Would you vote for someone who thinks we should be making laws based on Harry Potter?

I would.


Sheldon's picture
Bravo, very good post.

Bravo, very good post.

Broasca Vladimir's picture
I personally disagree with

I personally disagree with most religions since they are all based on loose ideologies as well as great claims with no evidences. Just like people would refuse to believe in Bigfoot or UFOs with lack of evidence so do people refuse to believe in the great claims of religion. What makes those ancient texts, made by people who had no idea what the world was like, so believable, or in fact more believable than other religious texts like those of Greek or Egyptian religions? Like Carl Sagan once said "Great claims demand great evidence." Skepticism is logical, it is natural and it shouldn't be taken for granted. But what I truly dislike more than religion is religious bigotry, either from from high ranking people in the religious business that desire only power (one example is the religious authority in my country erasing a well made abstract expressionist graffiti depicting a religious icon due to it being '"sacrilegious") or from people who are so narrow minded that they refuse to see the world in other ways. I myself am a nihilist and see religion also as a way to self-importance, the belief that we are special when in fact we aren't, the belief that something great protects us when in fact the world is proof of the opposite. Furthermore, religious morals are outdated and traditions are quite barbaric and offensive. I can go more into detail but I think I've said enough. No hard feelings though.

Tin-Man's picture
@Vladimir Re: "I can go

@Vladimir Re: "I can go more into detail but I think I've said enough. No hard feelings though."

Heck, ain't no hard feelings on THIS end. By all means, please keep going as far as I'm concerned. You are doing a great job thus far. Welcome to the AR.

Amin Karam Beigi's picture
First and foremost what do

First and foremost what do you mean by saying follower of Jesus?
We have no reason to hate some one base on their creed however most of the people of faith have an idea of supremacy, religous supremacy in the interaction with other people with different faith manifests itself in two ways: first they look at other poeple with pitty and think they should do whatever they can to insert their faith.
Second Treat others as inferior.
Thats the core of any form religion: US versus THEM

By using the term of follower of Jesus i assume your an Evangelist because you want to distance yourself from Catholic church.

Vast majority of Evangelists are against science until they get sick,
Again vast majority of Evangelists deny Climate Change because they believe God promissed Noah after flood he wont punish humanity so Evangelists deny even the possibility of we are causing damage to our environment.
You are pro-life thats respectful, „Life“ such precious gift yes? You talk so much about abortion and unborn baby killing, have you ever talked about born children that has been murdered in wars. I have never heard any Evangelist Church talking against war.
There is lots of things i can tell you why people like me dislike your Idea of „follower of Christ“
This idea is not from a godless person like me is from a Christian called Chris Hedges he said - i am froofrasing- the Evangelist movement in USA has been turned to a Christian Fascism.
He said it before Donald Trump. Donald Trump prooved his point.

At the end i will not talk about legitimacy of your Holy book or any Holy book because evidence talks for itself.
If you read Bible to a toddler that hasnt been indoctorinated, he/she will have some quastions about the accuracy of your holy book.

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