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alfredosauce44's picture


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Nyarlathotep's picture
jessej1s89 - "And also, why
CyberLN's picture
"I would like to know why
Capt.Bobfm's picture
I read your profile.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
welcome to the forum jessej
watchman's picture
"And also, why some Atheists
Rach on Rock's picture
Hi, it is not for me to
Ryan Marby's picture
Firstly, the whole "I'm askin
Harry Small's picture
It's not America. Unlike you
Spewer's picture
"I am here to correctly
Spewer's picture
"I am here to correctly
Spewer's picture
Sorry about the double-post.
Mutorc S'yriah's picture
Just an observation, Spewer,
Tin-Man's picture
Zubin Madon's picture
"Hating followers" is very
Rodger Wilkie's picture
Hi, Jesse. I suppose much of
dw.beam42's picture
Shane Jackson's picture
What I think about Christians
ThomasJames's picture
For the most part, when
Michee's picture
If your going to be a kind
Cory Williams's picture
"So, I would like to know
Khandnalie's picture
Well, I can only really speak
Kevin Paine's picture
Tea Stealer's picture
I try not to have
Steven Doolittle's picture
With every large group,
Bryce Hollandsworth's picture
This is a seriously shitty
Jeserac's picture
My take:
boomer47's picture
Sheldon's picture
Jeserac "Atheism requires
Eduardo Pineda's picture
I can only speak for myself,
Sandi Klingenberg Starr's picture
" In all honesty I don't


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