
174 posts / 0 new
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John Moricsmith's picture
Generally speaking this isn't
Marilia Coutinho's picture
All important points have
John Rosales's picture
"So, I would like to know
mykcob4's picture
Well if christians would
algebe's picture
@JJ: "I would like to know
Ian Allred's picture
I very much think this is a
Endri Guri's picture
Why we mock and ridicule
Graham's picture
Hi there,
Hugo Schmidt's picture
There's a number of reasons..
Dean Hardage's picture
You have asked a broad
Ana-Lotis's picture
"Respect for your opinion,
xenoview's picture
I don't hater the followers
Steve Bowen's picture
I think "follower of Jesus"
Steve Bowen's picture
I think "follower of Jesus"
Steve Bowen's picture
I think "follower of Jesus"
Godless.luka's picture
A lot of atheists "hate"
bigbill's picture
I don`t accept Christians
Nyarlathotep's picture
Luka - They like to mock your
bigbill's picture
hello, I don`t hate Jesus I
MCDennis's picture
I think that you are wrong.
bigbill's picture
what your asking for mcd is
Georgio A. Eid's picture
Beliefs, just like ideas,
Bob Webster's picture
Maybe I can try an analogy
Thorstein Stahl's picture
Well, I'll start by saying
Stephen Coulson's picture
Giovanny Anglin's picture
If a person chooses a
Jeff Munroe's picture
It's a question that has a
Ken Casey's picture
To answer your original
Melvin Long's picture
I like Buddhism, but I've
Nyarlathotep's picture
mrlong - I heard there was a


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