Does everything have a start?

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Devans99's picture
Does everything have a start?

[removed by moderator, read it here]

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CyberLN's picture
It seems your OP can be
Devans99's picture
More like something
CyberLN's picture
Use whatever name you like, I
WhyAreYouDecieved's picture
I agree, but also we do know
Sheldon's picture
"I agree, but also we do know
CyberLN's picture
Landon, you wrote, “...we do
Sheldon's picture
It's an unfalsifiable premise
Devans99's picture
It is a provable premise. For
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Sheldon
Sheldon's picture
You're either barking mad or
Cognostic's picture
OP: Does everything have a
Devans99's picture
Your view of time is rather
Cognostic's picture
NO: "The Planck time is the
xenoview's picture
Now your just talking in
Cognostic's picture
LOL: So much simpler that
toto974's picture
"My proposition is not that
toto974's picture
"My proposition is not that
Devans99's picture
No I won't assert that. I'm a
toto974's picture
Even with this more abstract
Devans99's picture
I think you need to read the
toto974's picture
I just read the first line. I
Devans99's picture
There must of been s start of
Sapporo's picture
Dan: There must of been a
Devans99's picture
How can something exist
Sapporo's picture
Dan: How can something exist
Devans99's picture
Right, so thats an example
Tin-Man's picture
@Dan Re: "Say you meet an
Sheldon's picture
"Everything, including time,
toto974's picture
Devans99's picture
which comment was that?


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