The dark side of Theism & Superstition

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ThePragmatic's picture
Hindus are killing

Hindus are killing rationalists...

"Rationalist and scholar MM Kalburgi shot dead"

"Bajrang Dal leader says another rationalist next"

ThePragmatic's picture
"Pat Robertson: The World Is

"Pat Robertson: The World Is About To End"

"the earth is hurtling towards some final conclusion, we all feel that."

Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
""Pat Robertson: The World Is

""Pat Robertson: The World Is About To End"

"the earth is hurtling towards some final conclusion, we all feel that.""-world-about-end""

This world was born to die. The only question is when

Travis Hedglin's picture
True, but everything will

True, but everything will eventually 'die' in some measure. But to focus on it when there are so many other interesting things to do is rather fatalistic, to a rather absurd degree, in my opinion.

science's picture
Gee, why don't I just hang

Gee, why don't I just hang myself RIGHT NOW!!!

Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
I tried drowning myself in a

I tried drowning myself in a pool. didn't work.

Plus I have some work that needs doing in my life. If all there is is the void after life, I'm going to suck the marrow out of life as I am able

ThePragmatic's picture
Joshua Feuerstein: Putting

Joshua Feuerstein: Putting Kim Davis in Jail Means the “Christian Holocaust Has Officially Begun in America”

Playing the victim card much?

ThePragmatic's picture
"Islamic State Cites the

"Islamic State Cites the Koran to Reinstate Sex Slavery"

"Moments before raping a 12-year-old minor, one of the militants took some time to clarify that what he was going to do to her was not sinful. Since the preteen girl adhered to a different religion, the militant insisted that the Koran had not only given him the right to rape her but also encouraged and condoned the act. After offering his pitiful explanation, the militant tied up his victim’s hands and gagged her before kneeling beside the bed to pray. Once he was done praying, he proceeded to rape the child, and when the heinous act was completed, he knelt down to pray again and offer his religious devotion to Allah."

science's picture


Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I have to compliment you for

I have to compliment you for your effort to keep this topic alive and on the listing of what religion brings with it, and how it effects the justice system of a county.

Keep it up

ThePragmatic's picture
Thanks. With some luck it at

Thanks. With some luck, it may at least raise awareness for some who are pro-theism.
I really have no idea if people read it or if I'm posting it to "deaf ears". Anyway, there is such an absurd amount of material on the subject, so I'm of course only posting a small sample of it all.

ThePragmatic's picture
"American women drive because

"American women drive because they don't care if they are RAPED" - Saudi historian

ThePragmatic's picture
England - "Former bishop

England - "Former bishop Peter Ball admits sex offences"

ThePragmatic's picture
"Do you spank your child

"Do you spank your child right?"

ThePragmatic's picture
I couldn't even make this

I couldn't even make this shit up...

"Texas church hires pastor after he’s charged with 29 counts of child sex abuse at another church"

"Parents in North Texas want to know why a pastor with pending charges of child rape and sodomy in Alabama has been hired by the First Baptist Church of Bedford."

science's picture
That is something I just can

That is something I just can't comprehend...why do people continue to support this institution when they can see for themselves what is going on, and has been going on for's not like there was one isolated incident, which is one incident too many, especially dealing with children...whaT MAKES IT EVEN MORE DISGUSTING, IS THAT THE VIOLATORS ARE IN A POSITION OF COMPLETE trust from the public, and look how these creeps violate that trust...with the most precious thing we have...OUR CHILDREN!! In my view, that deserves a DEATH SENTENCE!!

Travis Hedglin's picture
While I agree that it

While I agree that it deserves the death penalty, I wouldn't advocate for it. If we treat sexual abuse as if it were murder, predators would no longer have any reason to leave their victims alive.

science's picture
If the "predators" knew they

If the "predators" knew they were going to die if caught, they may not do it in the first place!! When a person is in a position of power, and public trust, to do what these creeps are doing is the ULTIMATE CRIME!!

Travis Hedglin's picture
The only problem with that

The only problem with that line of logic is this:

If people know murder is a capitol offense in my state, subject to the death penalty, then why does my state have a higher rate of homicide and executions?

The answer, quite sensibly, is that the death penalty is not an actual deterrent to crime. So, unfortunately they would still be perpetrating these crimes against children, but the stakes would be so high that it would make more sense for them to kill and hide their victims than to let them go. The same happened nearly a century ago when rape was a capitol offense, and the reason why it isn't anymore is because it keeps rapists from murdering their victims in many cases.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Shit, not that I like much

Shit, not that I like much agreeing with Travis, but he is right, death penalty would not solve the proble but worsen it as he explained.

However I do think that a worse punishment should be enforced.

I vote for cutting his sexual organs as a punishment and send a forced notice of it to the church he used to Preach.
By law on the main door.
(special permission by the state)
Alert notice:
This church harbored a convicted child molester currently residing @..........
Enter at your own risk.

As a punishment not for the person per-se but to the particular church that supported such a disgusting crime.

That should keep people away from that church and force it to close even if they have the money and corruption to keep it open.

For who thinks this is unrealistic, well we do this to cigarettes, on every single packet, since we know it harms your health.

Why do we have to make an exception when we know that too much blind faith in the priest/church and not the religion does harm your kids?

I think the churches proved by now that they do not represent the religion so why are we treating them as one only where theist want to?

Travis Hedglin's picture
"However I do think that a

"However I do think that a worse punishment should be enforced.

I vote for cutting his sexual organs as a punishment and send a forced notice of it to the church he used to Preach.
By law on the main door.
(special permission by the state)
Alert notice:
This church harbored a convicted child molester currently residing @..........
Enter at your own risk."

Hell, lets make it a public castration, with great fanfare and gigantic banners for whatever church the molester was a part of.

"For who thinks this is unrealistic, well we do this to cigarettes, on every single packet, since we know it harms your health."

Hell, that is a perfect reason for putting warnings on religious texts.

Warning: Contents known to retard intellect and make people delusional. Use at your own risk. Not to be sold or given to those under the age of 21.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yea, apart from the jokes,

Yea, apart from the jokes, public castration is not realistic.

However having the churches with child molesters trashed and humiliated in that manner would not reduce the child molesters per-SE but surly would make child molesters avoid priesthood since the church would start kicking them out for a change.

That would reduce the priesthood number by half right there.

Which is a win for us and child molesters will find it harder to rape innocent children since people tend to be more cautions when their faith is not blinding there basic common sens.

Travis Hedglin's picture
Yeah, it's probably not very

Yeah, it's probably not very realistic, but I would love to see some public castration of pedophile priests during the half-time of the superbowl. However, I do not hold out a great deal of hope that people will wake up and avoid the church, because they haven't after all this time and all the stories that continue to hit the news. At this point, I'd really like to see the parents charged for reckless endangerment if they leave their child alone with a member of the clergy, because I am really tired of retarded parents putting their children in danger time after time.

It's like watching lemmings, only the lemmings have the common decency to only kill themselves, these idiots are getting their children raped.

ThePragmatic's picture
"An Iranian artist currently

"An Iranian artist currently serving more than 12 years in prison for criticising the government now faces further charges of “indecency” for allegedly shaking her male lawyer’s hand."

"Atena Farghadani who is already serving a disproportionately lengthy sentence is due to be tried for handshake"

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
fuck, didn't know that

fuck, didn't know that shaking hands was a crime in Iran.

Seriously that country needs invading and completely restructured with a clean memory wipe of it's "prisoners".
Sorry mean citizens.

Since I doubt they could ever recover from the trauma of ever living like that in that county.

science's picture
How about we just begin with

How about we just begin with the damn church "higher ups" and the grand high exaultic mystic ruler Pope Francis reporting the violators to the police/FBI instead of holding a kangaroo court of cronies that does nothing but move the violators to other churches to do it again...and anyone found to have squelched this information, or protected these pedophiles, will also be thrown in prison. Sound like a great springboard to me!!

science's picture
I forgot to add, as far as

I forgot to add, as far as the death penalty, you presented ONE example, I am sure there are many examples that prove the opposite, there may be certain reasons, and/or certain circumstances why something will be or not be succesful. To me, it is common sense that no one in their right mind wants to die, and this would be a huge deterrent...unless the violators feel that although a state has the capital punishment, it is never implemented. The state of New York had the death penalty law, but never used it...the most horrendous crimes were not punished by this law, they always seemed to find a way around it, we've bent over backwards in this society to protect the criminals, while the victims sit and wonder where the hell their justice went!! became a joke, and a springboard for political gain...we eventually did away with it...Look at Texas...they don't fool around...if you did it, you are gone...THATS WHAT WE NEED!!! But, seriously, you need more than just one example to say that something is ineffective, or effective...but lets begin by putting these bastards in jail to start with, and let the prison population deal with them!!!

ThePragmatic's picture


"Annuar Musa: ‘I am racist, Islamically’"

"I am racist and my racism based on Islam, says Umno’s Annuar Musa"

ThePragmatic's picture
"Sabah opposition member

"Sabah opposition member jailed 16 months for insulting Islam"

ThePragmatic's picture
"Child victims partly to

"Child victims partly to blame in priest sex-abuse cases, Syracuse bishop testified"

He also opted to protect child molesters earlier:

"Syracuse bishop won't identify priests with credible child-molesting allegations"

Info about this lovely man of god:


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