The dark side of Theism & Superstition

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ThePragmatic's picture
The dark side of Theism & Superstition

EDIT: I updated the subject to include superstition in general.

Warning, this subject will most likely ruin your day.

It seems every day there pops up multiple different reasons to be more and more anti-theistic. Discrimination, abuse, killings, indoctrination, etc. I can't help but feel that even if I was a believer in any of the major religions, I would still become an anti-theist because of all the anti-humanist behaviour that Theism causes.


This has to be the sickest attempt I have seen, to scare children into submission.

An illustrated book for kids in Indonesia about Hell. It's some 32 pages of sickening crap that is not something kids should have to read. You can flip through all the images at the top.

The Torments of Hell: (NSFW)
"To the kids, this is a glimpse preview of hell, we must be careful in life on this world."
"If we already sinned, then immediately repent, to get a mercy from Allah and spared from the torments of hell."

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Polly73's picture
Yeah, I totally agree. One of
ImFree's picture
Jesus Camp is a good example
RubiksAndRum's picture
I was one of the kids at
RubiksAndRum's picture
I was one of the kids at
GoldenLotus's picture
@RubiksAndRum Sorry to hear
ashley.twichell's picture
This documentary scared the
ThePragmatic's picture
Some other words spring to
brian crawford's picture
child abuse is warning kids
ThePragmatic's picture
You are missing the point.
brian crawford's picture
jesus said faith is a mystery
CyberLN's picture
Nice dodge, Brian, but I'd
ThePragmatic's picture
@ brian
Shinobiyu's picture
based upon observation I am


Attach Image/Video?: 

Pathway Machine's picture
First of all, a link to a
Qualtrox's picture
It's just enough that they
Mith Vahkar's picture
I really want to start by
brian crawford's picture
i remember coming out of a
brian crawford's picture
so some parents went over
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yea, today you cannot be a
brian crawford's picture
why would you be a hypocrite
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
To be a theist, mainly a guy
Anonymous's picture
Pragmatic-Religion does so
brian crawford's picture
im christian but cant take
Nordic Fox's picture
Yup... And it will begin
brian crawford's picture
any church i have been a
Travis Hedglin's picture
The attempt to scare people
brian crawford's picture
wow you seem really smart
ThePragmatic's picture
A real "this will ruin your
Travis Hedglin's picture
Perhaps it would ruin my day,
science's picture
Discrimination, abuse,


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