christian student with questions

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isobel's picture
i dont know y but im trying
Tin-Man's picture
@Isobel Re: Answers from my
LogicFTW's picture
how did u become an atheist,
Dave Matson's picture
Sapporo's picture
I was a Christian as a child,
isobel's picture
do u believe the immaterial
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Isobel That is a silly
CyberLN's picture
Or Newton’s apple.
Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man
isobel's picture
right, but he said he
Dave Matson's picture
isobel's picture
numbers are immaterial
LogicFTW's picture
Numbers, a human thought
isobel's picture
have u had good or bad
CyberLN's picture
Depends on the xtian.
isobel's picture
of course, but just on
CyberLN's picture
I won’t do that. I will not
isobel's picture
why do u believe it
CyberLN's picture
It smells of too much
isobel's picture
i didn't mean for u to lump
CyberLN's picture
People are people. There are
David Killens's picture
Let us just substitute just
isobel's picture
lol idk if i would call them
CyberLN's picture
Bingo, DK!
isobel's picture
did u not see wut i said?
CyberLN's picture
Yes, and I think it’s
isobel's picture
plz, explain
CyberLN's picture
It seems that you want me to
isobel's picture
look, if u dont want to
CyberLN's picture
You requested that I explain.


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