christian student with questions

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isobel's picture
christian student with questions

Hello! My name is Isobel. I am a student at a classical Christian school. One of my classes is on Apologetics for the Christian faith. I have been asked to do a project that involves me interviewing an atheist through an online forum such as this about their views and their reasoning behind their belief. The intent is not to argue or prove anything. I just want to talk about your beliefs. It is good for everyone to be exposed to ideologies of all kinds. I am specifically a Calvinist Christian. Let's talk!:)
(If you see this as an opportunity to convince a Christian to be an atheist, then I warn you of my resolve, but I am willing to have a civil discussion. I don't want to start a fight)

edit:if u look at page 3, that's where the questions begin

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mickron88's picture
"I just want to talk about
isobel's picture
I meant what you believe
mickron88's picture
"I believe in God, the Father
isobel's picture
im talking about the God
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Isobel
isobel's picture
i regret i havnt the time to
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Isobel
isobel's picture
first of all dont exclude the
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Isobel
isobel's picture
also if u would like to be
Sheldon's picture
Can you demonstrate any
algebe's picture
@Isobel: I just want to talk
isobel's picture
as I have responded to some
algebe's picture
@Isobel: what I meant by
isobel's picture
i apologize. i did not define
algebe's picture
@isobel: a series of
Sushisnake's picture
Dave Matson's picture
CyberLN's picture
I am called atheist because I
Nyarlathotep's picture
You might consider reviewing
isobel's picture
hi! you were the first to
emv_66's picture
Hi there! I would be happy to
isobel's picture
feel free to message me any
Cognostic's picture
@isobel: "their views and
Cognostic's picture
@isobel "Speaking of the God
isobel's picture
first of all, im afraid i
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Isobel
Sushisnake's picture
isobel's picture
in reference to the early
Sushisnake's picture


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