Christian missionary has been killed .....

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watchman's picture
Christian missionary has been killed .....

"An American self-styled adventurer and Christian missionary has been killed and buried by a tribe of hunter-gatherers on a remote island in the Indian Ocean where he had gone to proselytize, local law enforcement officials said on Wednesday" ..

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Any comments ....?

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horse's picture
Even though I don't know this
Cognostic's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
According to the biblical
Sheldon's picture
As cog says, it was
David Killens's picture
What an idiot.
Sky Pilot's picture
David Killens,
arakish's picture
He got what he deserved.
CompelledUnbeliever's picture
I do not think he deserved to
Grinseed's picture
The natives of this island
watchman's picture
Yep.... I'm pretty much with
Grinseed's picture
Jesus, watchman, I hadn't
Sky Pilot's picture
This link has a picture of
Tin-Man's picture
Regarding our intrepid
Cognostic's picture
Look at the bright side guys.
algebe's picture
@Cognostic: when the tribes
Cognostic's picture
(Wiping tears from my eyes...
Tin-Man's picture
A missionary visited an
AUS-LGBT's picture
I wonder how he thought he
Cognostic's picture
Loads of holy water - (It's
Cognostic's picture
A missionary whose goal it
Randomhero1982's picture
Ladies and gentleman....
LogicFTW's picture
Dunno if you guys read about
Tin-Man's picture
This pretty well sums it up..


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dogalmighty's picture
CompelledUnbeliever's picture
It is sad that his misd was
Randomhero1982's picture
I wonder what his final
watchman's picture
….. and ,of course
CompelledUnbeliever's picture
I was so upset about the
Tin-Man's picture
@Compelled Re: "The
Cognostic's picture
When an idiot walks into a


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