Atheism creates a moral vacuum which only a religion can fill.

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Lmale's picture
A theory will never be
Valiya's picture
Yes, Lmale
Valiya's picture
Yes, Lmale
Lmale's picture
Interesting you should bring
Valiya's picture
The link you gave me a link
Nyarlathotep's picture
Valiya - "Your link (pasted
Valiya's picture
Do you honestly believe that
Lmale's picture
Jeasus thats fractally wrong
Valiya's picture
Hi Lmale. Thanks for your
Lmale's picture
I had found many links and
Valiya's picture
I will read them up. Thanks
Valiya's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Here we have a beautiful
Valiya's picture
I had very strongly critiqued
Nyarlathotep's picture
Valiya- "does it add any
Valiya's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
A) Valiya- “But just because
Valiya's picture
What do you think I could
Nyarlathotep's picture
Valiya - Can I assume that
Valiya's picture
Ok...fine. You are entitled
Travis Hedglin's picture
Let me take a different
Valiya's picture
Hi Travis, nice to hear from
Travis Hedglin's picture
Um, thanks but I am a
Valiya's picture
Sorry. I thought you were the
Travis Hedglin's picture
1. Sorry for the confusion,
Valiya's picture
Hi Travis,
Travis Hedglin's picture
...and this is where we
Nyarlathotep's picture
I've met lots of people who
Valiya's picture
Yes... I consider all of
Nyarlathotep's picture
"Moral absolutism is an


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