Atheism creates a moral vacuum which only a religion can fill.

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Valiya's picture
Atheism creates a moral vacuum which only a religion can fill.

Where does an atheist draw his moral values from? What is right for an atheist at one place is wrong for another at another place. What is right for an atheist at one time, is wrong at another time. This makes an atheist's moral ground extremely relativistic, and in the process he can justify any deed as good or bad according to his whims. This leads to a world of exploitation because the powerful is always going to find a justification to exploit the weak, and will not feel guilty about it because in their relativistic morality, they are always right.

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CyberLN's picture
That's silliness. You
Nyarlathotep's picture
ImFree's picture
Perhaps this video will help
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
ImFree; Thanks for the info
ImFree's picture
Your welcome Jeff. There is a
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
Well. If you drop
Kingzo's picture
Hi Travis,
Peter Walker's picture
You wrote all of that (no I
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Nicely put Travis;
Mr secular's picture
Atheists have empathy and
Alan Travis's picture
Oh yes indeed. Chairman Mao,
chimp3's picture
It is a 2 1/2 year old post.
xenoview's picture
Necromancy at work!
CyberLN's picture
The commandment that always
Alan Travis's picture
You must have missed the part
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
The one which gives the
Valiya's picture
Thanks for your responses
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
This question has been
mysticrose's picture
This is not true. We have
Valiya's picture
Firstly, my questions to Jeff
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You seem not to understand
CyberLN's picture
Valiya, if a particular
Alan Travis's picture
CyberLN: "Valiya, if a
doniston's picture
absolute nonsense
Valiya's picture
Thanks once again folks. Here
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Apart that you ignored 90% of
Valiya's picture
Good arguments Jeff. Here is
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
1.; when I reply to a point,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
forgot an important one:
Valiya's picture
Further you said "What may be


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