ASK A CHRISTIAN (respectful debate and questions welcomed)

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UrbanSpurgeon's picture
ASK A CHRISTIAN (respectful debate and questions welcomed)

Hello all,

I was once a Muslim turned agnostic who is now a Christian. I created this thread because I know from experience, how hard it is to find a real Christian who actually knows what and why they believe what they do in order to get sound answers to burning questions.

If you have any questions about Christianity please feel free or ask.

If you would like to debate, I encourage you to do so; just as long as you remain respectful.

Looking forward to some great dialogue

-Urban Spurgeon



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MCDennis's picture
What proof can you provide
MCDennis's picture
URBAN, are you ever going to
UrbanSpurgeon's picture
and sorry for the delay
UrbanSpurgeon's picture
I can give you many examples
Sushisnake's picture
@Urban Spurgeon
UrbanSpurgeon's picture
It's an idiom. What im saying
Sheldon's picture
"It's an idiom. What im
MCDennis's picture
Personal revelation is
freeatlast's picture
With all due respect I doubt
jonthecatholic's picture
Can you provide scientific
Aposteriori unum's picture
Stop that roadrunner bullshit
Nyarlathotep's picture
JoC - Can you provide
Sheldon's picture
Wed, 12/27/2017 - 09:53
jonthecatholic's picture
So the it would be
UrbanSpurgeon's picture
Thanks for the question! In
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
So, to make this short and
UrbanSpurgeon's picture
That question was do I have
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Yawn. Same o same o.
Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man Re: Urban Sturgeon
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
yep, but no obvious tell
Sushisnake's picture
@Tin-man and Old Man
UrbanSpurgeon's picture
I think we are miss
Sky Pilot's picture
Urban Spurgeon.
UrbanSpurgeon's picture
Actually, the first canon of
Sky Pilot's picture
Urban Spurgeon,
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
Urban Spurgeon,
MCDennis's picture
I didn't ask if YOU had proof
Sheldon's picture
"That question was do I have
mickron88's picture
they'll just tell you that


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