Why are you an atheist? Share your story!

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Cognostic's picture
Good for you. Sounds like
NameRemovedByMod's picture
I will try to keep this short
The_Quieter's picture
I was never taught to be
Cognostic's picture
I don't know about the "Truth
Persian27's picture
I grew up Christian. My
arakish's picture
Welcome PersianSting
Tin-Man's picture
PersianSting... Hmmm... I
Sky Pilot's picture
Bad Santa's picture
Welcome, welcome PersionSting
Sky Pilot's picture
Bad Santa,
Tin-Man's picture
@Dio Re: Bad Santa's
Sky Pilot's picture
18Gingasoldier's picture
I was raised Catholic.


Attach Image/Video?: 

Grinseed's picture
I heard becoming sn atheist
Thorstein Stahl's picture
I always felt strange about
comoke1024's picture
I grew up in NC, so a lot of
WrongVerb's picture
My glib answer is that just
Up To My Neck's picture
So many great answers here
jreldridge's picture
I was raised as a Christian,
Thinker's picture
You experience pretty much
Thinking Era's picture
Hello! My fellow good
Thinker's picture
I was raised in a "Christian"
Thinker's picture
Buy a bible and never read it


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